Chapter 8

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Indie's P.o.v.

Daddy carried me to a up down room. "Buttons!" I said giggling and pressing them all. Daddy laughed.

The door opened, 4 girls rushed in with Daddy's face on their shirts. "DADDY!" I said pointing to the girls.

The girls started laughing. "Hi Indie." A blonde girl said. "Dats my daddy." I said pointing.

"Can we get pictures Shawn?" A girl with brown hair said. We started taking pictures. We got to the bottom. I was set on the ground because I asked daddy to put me down.

"It was nice meeting you guys." Daddy said. I heard a ding. "Whooo!" I screamed putting up my arms. Daddy picked me up and we went into the big room.

Daddy held me close to his chest. The scary man came up to us and I buried my face in Daddy's chest. I heard Mommy call my name, I looked up and he arms were held out Daddy passed me to Mommy.

She brought me over to a chair. She filmed us on her screen. The scary man came over to us and said it was time to start.

Daddy came over to me and put pink little marshmallows in my ears. A lady was rushing around holding up 3 fingers and shouting.

Mommy went on stage and played music and danced around with the guys. Jacob held on to me.

"And can I have it quiet for a moment," Mommy said, everyone was silent, "Shawn take it away." I cheered as loud as I could.

Daddy looked over at me and gave me a smile. "So as most of you know I adopted a little girl named Indie, and she is here today." Everyone got loud. "So if you could be a little quiet she can come on stage and answer some questions."

Daddy turned to me, "Come on baby girl." He said walking over to me and Jacob. Jacob let go and I took Daddy's hand.

Everyone said aww. "Hi, my Daddy put candy in eaws." I said. Daddy sat down and put me on his lap and we started answering questions.

"Indie how old are you?" A girl said. "Umm, Daddy how old I?" I asked. "She is going to be 3 in July." He said smiling.

"What's your favorite drink?" A another girl said. "APPLE JUICE!!!" I said. More questions were asked.

"Ok, well Indie and I will be right back." Daddy said standing up holding me. He walked off the stage and he started walking to the lobby.

Shawn's P.o.v.

I took Indie to the lobby so I could get her some lunch. "Indie, what do you want for lunch?" I asked holding her. She thought for a minute. "Sammich?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"What type? Peanut butter & Jelly, turkey,grilled cheese?" I said naming a few types of sandwiches. She patted my shoulder. "Gilled cheese!" She clapped her hands.

"Ok. Lets go!" I said happily, she started giggling.There was a little cafe in the lobby. "Hi can I get a grilled cheese and apple juice and a chocolate chip muffin?" I said pulling out my wallet.

The girl behind the counter didn't look up. "Will that be all?" She asked kind of rude. "Umm yes," I said impatiently. "5.53$" she said I pulled out a ten and handed it to her.

"Out of ten, 4.47$ is your change." She said handing me my money and a receipt. Indie waved to the muffins in the glass container. "Bye muffins!" She blew a little kiss to the muffins.

Our food was ready. I got it and left back to the ballroom. Indie wanted to get down on the stage. Bart told me I was signing then it was time for the meet and greet. I grabbed my guitar.

"Hi everyone," I said in to the mic. indie cheered and clapped and girls were laughing. "So today I will be singing a song called Summertime sadness."

I started to sing, Indie danced a little on stage blowing kisses to girls. When I was done Nash gave Indie a mic. "Otay, I sing Daddy's song! Mmmmkay" she started mumbling the first verse of life of the party. I played guitar and was very surprised.

When she go to the chorus she sang every word. "We don't have to be Ordiawy! Make youw best mistakes! We don't have the time to be sowwy! So baby be the life of the Party!"

I strummed a few cords and she blew kisses. "Fank you!" She said clapping. everyone cheered. Mahogany picked her up and I spoke in the mic. "So we will be starting the meet and greet in the next ballroom." I grabbed the food and I set up a small table up and say down with Indie and Mahogany. Indie ate 1/2 of her grilled cheese.

"MY BEST FWIEND!!" She said standing on her chair hugging Jacob. "Hey little one." he said hugging her back.

Our merch was being set up, Indie drank some apple juice and she started blankly at her shoes. "Indie, you want me to save that for later?" I said looking at her.

She looked up an nodded. I put the sandwich and the juice in the bag. Indie crawled on my lap and put her ear to my chest. "bum bum bum bum bum bum." she said imitating my heartbeat.

She started mumbling something into my chest. I rubbed her back. Bart came up and said it was time to start. Indie returned to her normal self and the meet and greet started.

Indie's P.o.v.

I was meeting so many people. After a while it was over. I went to Daddy and he picked me up. He took the candy out of my ears and smiled.

I played with his shirt. He grabbed the lunch bag and took me up to the room. I crawled into bed and just sat there.

Daddy came back and dressed me in my jammies. I looked at Daddy, "Sammich?". Daddy nodded, "Do you want it warm or cold?"

I had it cold and I went to bed. Daddy changed me in to pajamas and played his strummer. I fell asleep after a while of him singing and strumming.

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