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Shawn's P.o.v

After dinner and after we payed Bart was talking to the guys. I picked up Indie and swayed back and forth singing Summer time sadness in her ear.

She soon fell asleep so we left. This time I sat in the back with Indie. I put her in her car seat and Cameron drove home.

When we got there I got out and took Indie out on my hip. When we got inside, all the guys went up to their rooms. I took Indie up to her room and put her in a piglet onsie that Mahogany bought.

I placed her in bed and covered her with the blankets.I softly closed the door and made my way to my room.

I put on some basketball shorts and a tshirt. I sat on my phone looking at tweets and my Instagram. My eyes were getting heavy. So I fell asleep.

Indie's P.o.v.

I woke up and it was still dark outside. I went down the stairs of my bed and looked for a light. I found a giraffe that had a flashlight.

I opened my door quietly and slid around the wood. I sat down and butt scooted down the stairs. I reached the bottom and walked past the couches and saw the door to the deck outside.

I slid open the door and sat on the deck. I turned off the flash light because is getting brighter. The sky was a nice light purple. There were stairs that wrapped around the house off to the side of the deck.

I stood up and walked to the stairs. There was a wooden gate that matched the wood. I jumped up and opened it and closed it softly and started crawling up the stairs.

The stairs led to a wooden bridge. I held on to the rope railing and saw it led to a tree. After I got in the tree, there was a little house in the tree. It had blankets and pillows ,I sat down with my giraffe. There was a square with a handle on it. I pulled it open and I saw grass.

There was a branch about a foot down. I hung on the ledge and stood on the branch. I was taught good balance by Olivia. There was a trampoline below the branch, but not that far.

I jumped and landed safely on the trampoline.I got off the trampoline and walked back up to the deck. The door to the house was locked.

So I went back to the stairs and saw a door under the deck. I went through the door and was in complete darkness. I turned on the flashlight and saw a light switch.

I turned it in the up position and I saw a couch. I walked around and saw a set of stairs. I crawled up the stairs and saw a door. I opened it and was back in the living room. I walked in the kitchen and it was dark but I could see.

There was a box with buttons on it and it had something that lit up. It said 5:54am, what ever that meant. I went back upstairs but I was lost and I forgot which room was mine.

So I picked a door and went in.I saw a bed with a body in it. I slowly jumped up and crawled under the covers.

I knew it was Taylor after a few minutes of my eyes adjusting to the lighting. I snuggled in to him and he groaned. I fell asleep in his warm bed.

Taylor's P.o.v.

I was sleeping when I heard my door open and I saw Indie come in and jump on my bed. She got under the covers and snuggled in to me.

I let out a groan, and then I wrapped my arms around her and went back to sleep.

*4 hours later*

Indie was sprawled over me and light snores escaped her mouth.She quickly rolled over and yawned. She woke up and crawled over and sat on my stomach. She 'styled' my hair and pretended to put make up on me.

I got out of bed and she hopped down and looked at me. "Aren't ya gunna make your bed?" she asked.

"Well, no, I'm going to go to sleep in my bed later on today." I looked at her.

She sighed, "Otay." she said jumping opening the door. She got on the stairs and looked at me. "Tater, you know we have a little house on the trees?" she said quietly.

All the guys knew we had treehouse in the backyard. I looked at her shocked, "No way, really?" I didn't want to ruin it for her and being all like 'yeah, I was the one who had the idea of a treehouse.'

She nodded her head. " I found it this mowning, we awe the only ones that know." She said holding my hand leading me outside.

"Tater, open that gate pwease." she said pointing to the wooden gate to the stairs. He lifted her arms up. I picked her up and put her over my shoulder and jogged up the stairs. She giggled the whole way up.

I set her down and she held on to the rope for the bridge and climbed through the window. I laughed and went in the door. the hatch was open. I guess she was in here this morning.

I closed up the hatch and put the lock on. She sat crosslegged and studied me. "Awent you cowld?" She asked cocking her head to the side. I locked down and realized I was wearing sweat pants, that's it.

She didn't give me time to respond. "Don't wowwy Tater, I will keep you wawm." She crawled on to my lap and hugged my torso.

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