Chapter 12

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Shawn P.o.v.

I got home with the boys. It was only 5. As we walked in the door, Him and Indie were laying on the couches. The tv was at a low volume. It was still pouring rain. I picked up Indie and put her in my bed. She kept coughing. Whe she finally woke up she started crying. "Daddy, I don feel good" she said.

I felt her forhead and it was hot to the touch, I sighed, "Okay, lets go get the thermometer." I picked her up and sat her on the counter in the bathroom. I got out the themometer, "Now old this under your tounge okay?" I asked putting it under her tounge.

She noddded. I examined her face and she was  paler than normal with red blotches on her cheeks. I heard a beep and took the themometer out of her mouth and it read 101.2. "What were you doing today babygirl?" I asked picking her back up.

"Me and Camwen played in the wain." she said. I laughed and shook my head. I took her in the kitchen and made her drink flu medicine. She took a small sip and spit it in the sink. "YUCKY" she screamed and started crying again.

"Indie please, if you drink it,it will make you feel better." I said as she crossed her arms. "NO" she screamed. "Indie, You will not tell me no. Drink the cough medicine." I said.

She got upset even more and dropped to the ground and started screaming. "NO! NO! NO!" she screamed. "Indigo Hazel Mendes, i will give you to the count of 10 and if you do not get up and take the medicine, you will be in trouble."

She stood up and glared at me. "1...2..3... Indie, Now." She still stood there glaring at me. "4...5...6..." I picked her up, but she fought me the whole time. "7...8...9..." I held the cup up to her lips. "You know that if you dont hold it in you mouth it wont taste as bad." I said, sittting her on the counter. "10..." i said in a stern voice.

Her eyes went wide. She quickly drank the medicine ans made a mad face. "I dont wike you" she said jumping off the counter and stomping up the stairs into her room.

I sighed and started making spaghetti for dinner. When I was done  making everything, everyone was all ready in the kitchen, except Indie.

Taylor spoke up, "Do you want me to go get her?" he asked  heading up the stairs. "Sure." I called as i was taking the garlic bread out of the oven.

Taylor's P.o.v.

I went up to Indie's door, and knocked. I opened it quietly, she was playing  her stuffed animals. "Indie, its time for dinner" I said as she turned around. "Otay Tater." she said. She got up and walked to her chair in the dinning room. Shawn put her plate in front of her. "Tank you" she muttered quietly. She looked pissed.

It was silent because, Indie wasnt talking about what she was doing that day like she usually did, she just played with her food and took a nibble of bread. "Indie this is dinner, you have to eat or you arent leaving the table." Shawn said looking over at her.

She huffed and took her fork and took a fork full of spaghetti in her mouth and swallowed it and glared. "Done" she said crossing her arms. Shawn looked at her, "Indie, stop playing and eat."

She just sat there. "You arent leaving untill you finish." Shawn said as everyone was getting up and putting their dishes in the dish washer.

I turned to her and asked her, "Indie why arent you eating?" She turned to me and started talking. "Because, he made it." she said with anger pointing at Shawn. "Would you eat it if Shawn didnt make it?" I asked.

She nodded, "Let me tell you something Indie," I moitioned to her as if i was telling her a secret.  "I made it, and it would hurt my feelings if you didnt eat it." I said. her face softened and she started eating. Shawn looked amazed. After about 10 minutes there was nothing left on her plate.

"Now you see Indie, was that ,that bad?" I asked her. She shook her head. I took her plate and my plate into the kitchen.Shawn came in after me, "How did you do that?" he asked.

"When my little brother wouldnt eat, I would tell  him, I made it and it would hurt my feelings if he didnt eat it, always works." I said setting the dishes in the dishwasher. I walked over to the table and Indie was pushing in her chair. She walked over and sat on the stairs, "Whats up?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Im waiting fow daddy to take me upsaiws."She said looking at the kitchen. Shawn came out and Indie stood up and walked in place with her arms up. Shawn picked her up and took her upstairs.

Shawn's P.o.v.

When I got Indie upstairs she started coughing. I rubbed her back and she started crying, "I sowwy I mean to you." She wrapped her arms around my neck. She just kept muttering in my neck. "I don wanna be mean."

I put her in bed and she started to calm down, "Indie, shh shh, If you wake up and you still are not feeling good come into my room."

She nodded, I grabbed my guitar from the other room and played Life of the party until she fell asleep.


What's up hoes and bros?

So school started again😒🔫

And I can't update on wattpad all the time so I know yall love this story the most

I am gonna try and pre write chapters and post them throughout the year.

Also, related to school... I'm in 8th grade now and that's when you are able to be a teachers aid.

And this year I am helping out the special education class and it is really fun

I just thought you'd like to know a bit bout me


Song recommendation: The run and go, twenty one pilots


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