Chapter 6

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One month later

Shawn's P.o.v.

Today I was packing Indie's clothes for the tour tomorrow. She was playing in her little kitchen under her bed. She peeked her head out.

"Daddy? Do you want food?" She asked pretending to stir something.

"Yes, I would." I said happily. I was done packing her suitcase and put it by the door. I sat down outside her little kitchen and she came out with a little plastic plate with a plastic cookie.

"Oh wow, this looks yummy." I said taking the plate from her. She giggled. I pretended to eat it. "Do you wike it?" She asked taking the stuff from me.

"It was amazing princess." I said smiling. She put the plate and cookie back in the little kitchen. When she came out I realized it was 3.

"Okay it's nap time, Indie." I said softly. She looked at me, "Otay." she said putting up her arms.

I took her downstairs and made her chocolate milk in her bottle, which we are putting it away in July when she turns 3. I took her upstairs and layed her in her bed.

She fell asleep when she was done drinking the milk. I took the bottle and covered her with her blanket and kissed her forehead and left.

I went into my room and went on my phone. Mahogany texted me she was going to come over at 4. I decided to do a you now.

I grabbed my guitar and computer and sat at my desk.I strummed a few cords. I tweeted that I was doing a you now and then I turned on the computer and started the you now.

Comments started rolling in. I started talking about what happened in the past month. Then I started singing and playing my guitar.

People asked about Magcon. I told them I am going tomorrow and Indie will be there. Right when I mentioned her name she walked right in the door. Her hair was all over. Her blanket was in her arms.

"Daddy." she said walking over to me and crawling on to my lap. She snuggled her head in to my chest. I stated singing summertime sadness.

She fell asleep so I placed her in my bed and said bye to the you now people and laid in bed next to Indie.

Indie's P.o.v.

I remember going to sleep in Daddy's arms. When I woke up I was in his bed. He woke up and kissed my forehead. I sat on his tummy and played with his hair.

There was a knock on the door. Daddy got up and put me on his hip and walked downstairs.

Mommy, Grace and Annie were there. We sat down and Daddy turned on the tv for me. They started talking and the other guys came down too.

Daddy ordered a pizza and we waited for the pizza to come. When the pizza came Cam fed me. After pizza Mommy gave me a bath.She dressed me in my piglet onsie and took me to my room

Mommy put me in bed and I waited till she closed the door.I walked down the 4 steps and grabbed the giraffe flashlight.

I climbed out my window and went on to the deck. I had realized the deck was right under my window a few weeks ago. I went across the bridge and into the treehouse.

I heard the boys talking and coming on to the deck. I panicked and hid under the blankets and pillows just my eyes peeking out.

The boys went back inside. I let out a sigh of relief.I crawled out and went back across the bridge and saw my window was closed.

I opened the sliding glass door and everyone was talking really loud I quickly shut it and crawled up the stairs to my room.

I went up to my bed and got in my covers. Just then Daddy walked in. "Hey princess, its bed time." He said softly.

"I can't sleep." I said sitting up. He picked me up and sang me life of the party.

I was still awake. He checked his little screen and shoved it back it his pocket. "Do you wanna go watch a movie with Me and the boys?" He asked.

I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. When we got downstairs everyone was in their jammies. I sat in between Mommy and Daddy.

They put on nemo and I fell asleep with my legs on Daddy and my head in Mommy's lap.

~~~next morning~~~

Shawn's p.o.v.

We had a flight at 6am so I had to get ready. It was currently 5:15 am. I put all of the bags by the front door and woke up the rest of the guys. The girls were sleeping on the couch so I woke them up as well.

I was done getting ready so I went into Indie's room and packed her favorite outfit in a bag, a purple long sleeved shirt, black leggings, white tutu, black bow uggs. I walked back downstairs and put that by the door this the other stuff.

I let Indie sleep and tried to remember stuff she wanted to bring. I chose her elephant with the tutu. I grabbed the pink safari blanket and ran it downstairs.

I grabbed her bottle and put that in her suitcase and went back upstairs. I got Indie and placed her on my hip. I put her in the car seat and the stuff in the trunk and drove to the airport with the girls and the guys followed behind us.

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