Chapter 10

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(A/N well apparently you guys really love this book and think I'm ending it? I will be here for a long while so don't worry I was dealing with something that was really important. 😘I love y'all.)

A few weeks later

Shawn's p.o.v.

Today we were going home. Indie was playing with my hair and "styling" it. She was sitting on my stomach and singing the Cameron Dallas song.

Taylor came in and asked if he could dress her. I said yes and took Indie of my stomach

Taylor took her into the bathroom and came out 10 minutes later. "And my masterpiece... Indie Mendes!" Indie ran to me hugging my knees.

"Daddy. Daddy, I look wike Tater." she said jumping up and holding up her arms.

I lifted her up and she hugged me. I smiled, "What do we say to Taylor?" I asked.

"Tank You!!!!" She said throwing up her arms and smiling. Taylor left our room, and Mahogany came in with Jacob.

"MOMMY!" She said smiling. "Hi baby girl. You ready for our last show?"

Indie's eyes went wide. "No more best fwiends?!" I laughed. "Baby girl, we will go on more tours, don't worry."

Indie smiled, "Good." She snuggled in to my chest, I kissed her head and she lifted her head from my chest.

I got dressed in my lucky flannel and black t-shirt while Mahogany fed Indie a bagel.

We started to head downstairs and Indie saw Cameron. "Cam!" She screamed and ran to him. He picked her up and spun her around.

"How is my girlfriend." Cameron said kissing her cheek. "Fabalus." she said putting her hands under her chin.

"So I can see Taylor dressed you." He said putting her down and they walked holding hands.

"Yeah, but don't wowwy, I still love you." She said taking 3 steps for every 1 step he took.

The fans were waiting by the ballroom. Indie turned around, "Daddy! It's my best fwiends!" The fans started running towards the 5 of us.

Indie held up her arms and Cameron picked her up. We all started taking pictures and they all left.

"Bye best fwiends!" Indie shouted after the girls. We did sound check and Indie played with Me.

"Daddy." she said snuggled into my chest.

"Yes princess?" I said rubbing her back. She lifted her head, "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too Indie." She fake pouted, "Nu-uh I love you mowe."

I copied her. "Uh-huh, I love you way more." She smiled. "Mmm, awe you suwe?" she asked.

I nodded and kissed her head. "Otaaaaaay." she said snuggling back into my chest.


Sorry for the short chapter,

But hey I love you losers and I hope y'all's have a great summer.

Music recommendations: Anything by Mod Sun



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