An apple as red as blood

Start from the beginning

"Henry was one of the first people I introduced her too apart from Milo and he's dead, and she protected Henry immediately, even Regina took a shine to her and asked her to babysit almost immediately . She has taken care of Henry every day for as long as I can remember her being here." Emma gulped, "She would've forgiven you if you had left and came back she would've understood that you got scared, but you took Henry so good luck getting her trust back it will be... impossible."

. . . .
Will and Ella were walking through the woods after finding out that Anastasia their best friend and Wills girlfriend had betrayed them and became the next Red Queen. The were holding each others arms, When Will immediately stopped,

"You Okay?" Ella asked

"" He said quietly


Ella was cut off by a hand going through her back and pulling out her heart leaving her kneeling on the floor with a groan.

"Leave her alone!" Will yelled charging at the woman who has his sisters heart who turned out to be Cora. Instead of giving Ella her heart back she slowly starting squeezing it causing Ella to scream out in pain.

"Ah Will stop bloody moving!" She screamed and he immediately stopped moving.

"Please you already control me you don't need her as well." He said looking at the cuff on his arm upon hearing that Ella looked up in confusion.

Cora laughed and said "Oh sweetie I don't want her heart I want you to loose all feeling in yours, I now know that Ella here." She nodded down to Ella who was groaning on the floor as Cora slightly squeezed her heart. "Is the only thing you care about anymore she is your weakness."

As soon as she finished speaking she looked down at Ella who was kneeling on the floor with tears in her eyes, Cora smiled and crushed her heart, brushing the heart dust off of her hands.

Will rushed to Ella's side catching her before she fell to the floor going completely limp.

"Don't leave me... please I need you" Will sobbed holding Ella's cold hand, he looked up almost as if an idea had come into his head.

He placed his hand over his heart and pushed in pulling his heart out with a groan.

"What are you doing?" Cora asked sceptically.

"The only thing I can do, I'm not loosing another sister." Will sobbed

With a yell he ripped his heart in two and pushed one half into her chest and the other in his, he fell down unconscious beside her.
A few moments later when Cora had poofed herself, a wave of energy went across Wonderland making everyone stop what they were doing and look around, everyone knew that in Wonderland or any realm that amount of energy only happens for a very specific thing. True Love.

Ella woke up with a gasp

"Will?" Ella groaned as she slowly sat up from the floor seeing her unconscious brother on the floor.

She looked down at her wrist and a red cuff appeared on her wrist,

"What have you done?"

. . . .

"Why are we going to see August?" Anna said as her and Henry headed into Granny's hotel.

Henry just shushed her as he pulled her up to the door and knocked on the door.

Anna heard August's voice as he said, "Hang on."

The Second Princess (1)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now