Concept Change? [4]

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Sitting in a black chair in a modern-day conference room on the top floor level of the building.

My manager Kenmur to my right while the CEO and investors sit in the end of the long black table.

"Your album sales have been slowly going down after each release. We need to change something with your music...with you." One of the investors pulls up a chart flow showing the album sales.

"'re not pushing for plastic surgery, are you?" I lean against my chair crossing my arms.

They been pushing it ever since I joined the company. I don't plan to change or enhance my features.

"Oh, Irene no your fans praise you for your natural beauty. We were thinking of changing of your concept of music into love or heart break songs. Something relatable to your audience to boost our sales."

A love song or break up song? I-I don't know what love is like...I've had a few crushes, but they ever lead to anything. 

But a breakup song may be easier to write.

After all they already release a teaser video to an old song we've recorded.

"Well, you had released an old song recorded in the studio in a new teaser video. I can re-record some parts of the song to become a breakup song." I put a hand on my chin trying to come up with an idea for the upcoming release.

"Fantastic idea y/n like always. For the upcoming album will be partnering with Limsa corporation to further push merchandise and keep tabs with your social medias account."

One of the stockers moved to the next slide presenting the representative from Limsa corporation.

A young woman with dark brown hair with bleached tips, a tan complexion, and golden eyes. 

She seems rather young...probably around my age or a year older.

"Your manager has informed us about the stress your under. It will be better if we get this off your hands for the time being." I quickly glance over to Kenmur as he stinks a bit in his seat flashing me a small smile.

"I'm alright with that idea." The investor's let out a relief sigh as The CEO pulls a card out of his jacket.

"You'll be meeting with your social media manager tomorrow at a local cafe near your home. " 

He stands up from his chair walking over to the end of the table to hand me the social media manager's card with her email and phone number on it.

Mmmh Melissa Lycan...hopefully she'll be able to manage the hate comments and the wave of trolls.

"This meeting is over. I'll see you all during the music video shooting. Good luck, y/n."

He softly smiles at me walking out of the conference room while the investors gather their items from the room.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder glancing over to see Kenmur "Could we speak privately?"

"Sure, we can speak in the elevator since we're both heading home." 

I nod my head guiding us out of the conference room walking out in the hallway as the workers were busy answering phones or planning out the next album deep in their own minds.

Pressing the elevator buttons as the doors quickly opened.

As we take a step inside the doors closed descending from the top floor to the main level.

"...I didn't mean to make you seem bad in the meeting. I just thought you could use a break from social media."

He looked down at the elevator floor as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I understand your concerns. You made a good call the last time we've delt with this many trolls it didn't end well..." I crossed my arms looking out of the elevator. 

I hope I'll never end up in that dark place again...

"At least we're on the same page. Hopefully, your social media manager calms down the haters."

The elevator doors open revealing the parking lot.

"I won't know till tomorrow. I'll see you at the music video shooting." Walking out of the elevator going our separate ways approaching my car as I grabbed the door handle a small note falls out.

Picking up the folded note from the ground.

"Don't forget to bring back some cupcakes."


Letting out a soft chuckle heading inside my car to start it. Of, course he'll have me run his errand to buy some cupcakes...I'm not surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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