Uncle Theobald's Newest Overseer

Start from the beginning

"Seems like you two have recovered a lot in these past days. Mott, you should be better by tonight. Feel free to take off the bandages by then." Mott nods. "Lenny, you still have a few days where I would caution you against taking off the bandages. But once the redness of the remaining burns fades, you should be fine to remove them."

"Thank you for everything, Ada," Lenny says, clapping his hands together in delight. "You've really been a dear. I hope we didn't overstay our welcome."

"Not at all. You two are wonderful to have around, and the teens seem to like you quite a bit."

Lenny and Ada engage in a few minutes of energetic chatter and flattery before she bids them farewell and heads off to work. Turning back to their bags, Lenny hums to himself as he finishes stuffing the last of their things inside. Mott keeps a careful eye on his bandaged arms and upper torso all the while.

Once their bags are packed, they head out the door with the teens clinging to their ankles and begging them to stay one more day. Mott gives a pointed look to Lenny—see, even they want us to stay a little longer! Lenny rolls his eyes and playfully bumps his shoulder against Mott's. In Lenny-speak, that's a firm 'no.' Mott sighs, and after patting the teens heads and promising to visit sometime, they're released.

Part of Mott can't believe he's still doing this, chasing after Zekrom. After what happened, the sensible part of him wants to turn and flee. And yet...

For some reason, he can't bring himself to do it.

Every logical reasoning points toward abandoning this reckless mission. Without the crest to motivate him, he should have no problem quitting this. But for whatever reason, everytime he thinks about changing his course of action, something deep inside him compels him to stick with it. It's all very confusing. It makes no sense.

So for now, bouncing off his talk with Torquil, he's decided to ignore his lack of motivation and strive for something else: doing what makes him happy. And that's staying by Lenny's side. So, where Lenny leads, he'll follow.

That doesn't mean there aren't some ground rules, though. "Lenny."

Lenny looks up at him, blinking.

"I think it's stupid that we're not waiting a few more days for you to heal." Lenny opens his mouth to argue, but Mott beats him to it. "But! But, I'll allow it—on one condition."

Lenny arches a brow.

"You've gotta ride on my back until your burns are healed," he states, sitting down so Lenny can mount. "There's no way you're walking all that distance with injuries like this."

"Deal!" Lenny hops on, maybe a little too eagerly. Has he been waiting to do this? Pointing to the horizon like an intrepid explorer, Lenny declares, "Now, mush!"

"You know what, I think I'll sit here for a few minutes. Or hours."

"Oh, then I'll just get off."

"No, no, I'm going!" Mott hastily snaps, standing. Lenny snickers and wraps his arms around his neck. Little shit. "So. Where are we going?"

A pair of hands squish his face and pull it up. Mott blinks up at a perplexed and slightly worried looking Lenny.

"You're letting me choose where we go? Are you sick?" Lenny asks, placing a hand over his forehead to check his temperature. He presses his other hand to his own face to compare. "You feel a little warm to me..."

Mott scoffs, shaking himself free. "I'm not sick. I just thought I'd let you take the lead for a little bit."

Lenny gives him a skeptical look. Mott is almost offended. He can give up control now and then, thank you very much! He's not a control freak!

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