One day she'll remember.

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Beanie was injured, somehow. She was hospitilized for a long time. She had amnesia, and apparently thought that she was at Deepdean. She kept asking where chutney, her dormouse, was.

We visited her as much as possible. One occasion was slightly heart breaking.


14th October 1941, Great Ormond Street Hospital

"Hello, Beans," said Lavinia cheerfully. I think that seeing Beanie cheers up Lavinia, because she doesn't remember the war.

"Hello." said Beanie sadly.

"What's the matter, Beanie," I said, sitting next to her.

"Daisy. She's," Beanie gulped, "Gone. Forever. Why did she have to die? Why did Heppy kill her?"

Neither me, nor Lavinia knew what to say. Daisy was gone, but, not because of that. 

Beanie talked about Christmas, 1936 for a while before asking us about Fallingford.

"Hazel, I need to tell you something." She said, looking at me with her big, brown eyes, "Kitty and I went to get the pin from her room, she told me she took it, and we saw you and Alexander, well..." She trailed off.

Lavinia pretended to be shocked.

"Hazel! Kissing a boy, what have you become. And out of all the people you could kiss, Alexander? I hadn't realized that you two liked each other. Actually, Beans, what did i say when we got to Fallingford?"

"Oh, um...oh right! You said: "I swear to god, if those two don't stop making eyes at each other and kiss, their next case will be the suicide of Lavinia Temple. Seriously, its gross, and it's putting me off my food." and then George said "You think this is bad, you should hear Alex droning on about Hazel in our dorm. You'd think she was a god, by the way he talks about her eyes."

"Okay," I laugh, "I get it, we weren't exactly subtle."

That visit was odd. It was if we were back in Fallingford again. We ended up telling Beans that Daisy was okay, and that she was a government spy.

She was so happy, it broke my heart to know that one day she's going to remember, and she will loose Daisy for a fourth time.

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