Panic attack

392 11 111

Gon P.O.V

I have been texting and calling Killua for ages.

I even tried Kurapika a few times, asking if he was with Killua.

No response.

I try Zushi.

About 5 minutes later he calls me. "Zushi! Thank God. You with Killua?"

"Yeah, and Kurapika..." Zushi sounded nervous.

I nod. "Ahh so did I disturb you guys?"

"No Gon...uhhm look. "

My heart picked up at the clear worry in his voice. "Zushi what's up?"

"CODE RED!" He yelled into his phone in sheer panic.

I scrunched my face in confusion. "I am not sure what that means?"

"Pitou is back in town and she is with us...its why they weren't answering their phones."

My chest constricted. "W-What?"

"And the worst part is everyone loves her!"

"W-What do you mean?" I asked, feeling light headed.

"The entire basketball team knows and loves her and Knuckle and Uvo met her, cause we bumped into them and they love her as well!"

I felt as though the air was being knocked out of me as tears ran down my eyes.

She's the one person I always feared returning. I mean their relationship, only ended due to her family, if she leaves them to be with Killua I have no chance.

"Gon? You okay dude? You don't sound too good?"

"I-I think I am having a panic attack." I could barely breathe.

"I am getting Killua!"

I nodded. "Please."

"Oh um can you not mention I am the reason for your panic attack and the one who told you about Pitou? I am not looking to be killed by a ball of fluff, I can see the headlines now. Student killed by cotton ball of steel" He asked nervously.


"Right of course. You at the football house?"


And sure enough my phone beeps with the headline Killua and Pitou the destroyer are they reconnecting? And there is a video of him spin hugging her. I sob as my chest constricts even more. Of course the gossip page is all over this, Killua and I are a beloved couple in the university. They must be having a field day with this, I wouldn't be surprised if they followed them to lunch.


Killua P.O.V

Zushi came back in full panic mode. "Killua! You have to go!"

I looked at him in confusion. "Zushi? Why what's wrong??" Slightly feeling a jolt of panic spike up my spine.

"It's Gon, he is having a panic attack."

The entire team starts asking if Gon is okay. And looking ready to sprint towards him as well.

I check my phone seeing tons of messages and calls from Gon. Kurapika checked his phone and looked worried, showing me he too has messages and missed calls. I gulp.

My heart starts beating erratically. "Where?"

"Football house." I nod and get up sprinting towards the football house.

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