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Author's note:

It's been a while. Sorry for the longest wait. In this chap you might realize the third person pov changes to first person pov. I just notice after I finish the chapter but I think this incidental changes might brought us closer to the way Nina process her thought. I hope you like it. Please star if you do.



It's been three weeks since my meeting with the devil twins. I mean the baby one and not my boss, I saw him everyday.

That day Cassie and Jordy left with a PS note from the latter in whisper 'Marry him before someone else take him from you.' That meet up sure went form zero to-- zootopia; fantastical non-existent world.

I don't mean to belittle them, Jordan is a definite definition of Genius Prodigy Mind. However I'm pretty sure I know myself and believe me, I am NOT interested in any Jacoby Anderson and vice versa. Great now I sound like Trump.

Today everyone working at the E&E agency is scattered around the city with last minute checklist to cross. The event is literally happening in the less than 48, and every single one of us is walking and talking in auto survival mode. Half panic-half manic.

Keep short sentence to show your point or scream to show your 'point'. Everything needs to be in order for the loading tomorrow. Megalarge Tent to built in 24 hours, air-conditioning, partition, tables, and the vendors to be reminded. Last technical meeting before the event starts in 10 minute, I have to lead and my mouth has been talking 15 miles an hour for the past 4 hours.

"Will, could you send the vendors rep to the meeting room A now?" I ask my junior who's assign to assist me in this project, "And get me warm lime water please. After that, tell Benji to went downstreet to get some sandwiches for us. Buy more just in case. And don't forget extra Ham for Mr. Jake."

"Right on it, Cath!"

"And join us on the meeting, will you? I'd like you to run the next one if Mr. J allows."

"Oh my God! Su.. sure!" Will was totally in shock to here the news. He was the last addition to the team I mentioned earlier, and his job so far was to assist one of us. I know he is a very responsible guy, he really wanted a career promotion and his energy is through the roof. This is his first job after life revelation that has him jumped ship to new career.

Promotion is something a newbie like me can't offer but I know increase in monetary pay is not the only thing Will is after. He 'loves challenges and has been dying for a chance' and my ear have been dying from hearing him say this for the past week!

Who knows his breakthrough is there right after my ears bleed and my throat about to... I sure hope Will did well and Jake witness it. He deserve it.

Jake message:
'My office.'

I am heading to his office and just about to knock. Message right on time, boss!

"Yes Mr. Jake?" I said as I open the door. He seems surprise that I am here quick.

"I want updates."

"Tent start building 5 hours ago. Progress about 30 minutes behind schedule, based on Leah's update an hour ago. Partition is being loaded in as we speak, tables in tomorrow morning. Aircon already on site, ready to unload by midnight. Last VM in 5, followed by last RCM and Inhouse team last briefing after. DCM H-1 starts at 4.30 onsite."

"Recheck with Leah on the tent. Ask them to send more crew, we don't want delay. Make sure the AC on site is counted for, and check on the electrician, POS unit too." He said and continue with his paperwork.

"Sir, can I have Will moderate the Running Crew Meeting at 2?" I asked fast.

Then come 'the stare'. After long silence he ask "Why?" And I genuinely think he is on word count everyday. His target is as little as he can speak. And that why he just said might be spelled Y instead of W-H-Y to make his letter shorter.

"I'm losing my voice and I think he's ready to?" Don't judge me for being honest and to the point, please.

After another long minute staring contest he said "Fine."

"Thank you, Sir." I smiled.

"Call me right before the meeting start. And don't forget staff's candy."


We all went straight to the venue after the meeting in a minivan. Jake sat in front and Will sit beside me on middle row. He kept thanking me for the chance, 3 months assisting must have bored his soul. He is literally the best in moderating, he has great leadership and  they all seem charmed by him. Will's light blue eyes spark with excitement sucking everyones attention.

Jake was quite the whole time, but he is a great observer. He must notice nobody slack of and our message was well presented. I know leading a meeting isn't a big deal. But with Will's potential combined I am guessing a promotion is in the air.

Mr. Benji, our office all-in crew drove us there, slightly speeding but who cares. We arrived 5 minutes before the meeting start and the road was starting to jam just right after we're dropped off.

Everyone seems to be under control and Jake lead the meeting right away. I look around the room, Will was writing meeting minutes with his phone recording. Leah is across the room talking briefly to Drew, probably comparing checklist. She gave me a small wave which I return. Some of our staff taking some notes, and some new face i haven't seen before or only met once.

I turn my attention back to Jake, comparing my notes to his brief. He speak eloquently with just enough seriousness and a bit of humour here and there by reading the atmosphere. His brown eyes paying attention to every single person in the room. When you get a chance to come in contact eye-to-eye with him, that's when your soul is trapped. That's what I usually termd: professionally charmed.

Unknown number message:
''Hi Aunty Cathy, this is Jordy and Cassie. This is our mommy's phone. Please save our number. Call you soon."

The devil twins! How did they get my number? surely not from Jake, he is busy leading the QnA now. Or is he?

Smiling, I save their number right away.

Message to Twins Mom J Anderson:
"Hi Jordy and Cassie. Ok. Saved.
How did you get my number?"
Bink! [Sent]

The reply came not long after.

Twins Mom J Anderson message:
''Long story. We'll tell you when we meet."

Look at these kids trying to be shady. I smile and close my phone. When I look up, I see Jake eyes on me. Briefly but surely his stare speaks for him: 'Professional please. Concentrate!'

I gave him small curt while sliding myself toward Will. I am about to relive highschool and for once be the badkid. Time to cheat on some notes!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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