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Author's note:

When I started this story, i don't know how and where it will go. Will it be humorously light or sadly heavy, and especially the ending. I like to keep each chapter short, just as the right length as popping new idea flowing from my head. Your comment might change the storyline. Because life is unpredicted, just like that.


Chapter .3

After a few more second of comparing their facial features, she decided that they don't actually have much resemblance. Only that Jake have slightly similar lips with the boy, slightly. And perhaps his similarity with the little girl is more significant, they have same eye colour. However, that is as far as you can get. Nina feel sad for him that none of the kids have taken after his look.

Jake is a decent looking man himself, but he got dirty blonde hair that is cut short. The girl has lighter colour of blond cut shoulder length. She has the cutest big eyes that seems to always smile, unlike Jake's. He has sharper eyes in the same blue-grey shade, but you will never found his eyes shine in happiness like the little girl. At least not until today, when he is looking at both kids.

"They don't look like you though."

"Don't they?" his smile filled with sadness. "I wish they were. They don't look much like their mom either."

Is it? Nina wonder whose look they taken after then. Were they adopted?

"I know who I look like. Jordy!" the girl exclaim happily.

"No, I don't look like you!" said the boy whom suppose to name Jordy, maybe Jordan. "I'm a boy!"

"But we are twiiinnss" the girl frown."we look like each other!"

"We are not twins, Cass, we are brother and sister."

"But mom said we are practically twins." Cass answer back sadly.

"Practically is like almost, Cassie." explained Jordy. "she means we almost look like twins. Because we are both still tiny."

Nina can't help herself chuckling at the little boy explanations. They both did still look tiny. However, Nina knows better that kids do not usually want to admit being young. They usually act as if they are all grown up. This boy admitting that they are both indeed are still young, made him sounds more mature than his own age.

The little girI just stare back at her brother as the revelation drown into her tiny brain. Her mouth made a silent 'O'. Her ice cream was all over her mouth.

Jake stood up to grab some tissue at the counter. The little boy, Jordy, staring at her for a second before opening his mouth to speak.

"My name is Jordan, by the way, and this little baby is Cassandra." he introduce them. Funny how Jake hasn't really introduce them to each other.

Jordan seems to read her mind. "Forgive Jakey. He can be quiet thick sometimes."

Nina is now amused. This kid is more mature than he's suppose to be. She can't seem to find her voice and just keep on staring at the little boy seating in front of her. He is too smart for his own good.

"I know you like Jakey boy over there." It was a statement. WeII, maybe he is not that smart, Nina thought, and he sounds quite rude calling his own father 'Jakey boy'. "Don't worry, he is not really our Daddy. He just like to act as one sometimes."

"Can I ask you something?" Nina said after she get over all the surprises. "Do you do mind reading or something? I swear you held special power in that tiny brain of yours."

"No, but I do read eyes," he answers, "You'll be amaze on how much eyes can tell."

Jake came back with some tissue just as Nina was about to ask Jordan the non-father-son relationship that they had. She held back herself from asking, it's none of her business anyway. She doesn't really want to know her boss' private affair. After all, her motto is to always separate works and private life as far as it could be. Nina doesn't plan to broke her own house rule anytime soon.

"Can we have some crepés for lunch, Jakey?" asked Jordan.

"Yea, can we have crepés uncle Jakey?" ask Cassandra.

"You haven't even finish your breakfast, JorDY! And stop calling me Jakey, both of you!"

"Why not, uncle Jakey?" asked Cassie confused,"Mom call you Jakey all the time.''

"Only your mom calls me Jakey, and it's only because she's older than me by ten minutes. She's been trying to remind me every single day of my life."

Jake is twins! How cute, Nina thought. Cassie don't seems to understand his train of talks. So, her brother explains to her, "He's just being grumpy because Jakey sounds like an tiny boy's name. And he want his name to sound like a tough guy. But you know you still can call him Uncle Jakey, Cass."

"O." she replied.

"No, Cassie, don't listen to him." Jake said, "And how many times do I have to tell you to call me, Dad?"

Jake is actually looking very sad as he said that. Nina feel sorry for him from trying and failing hard at acting as a Dad.

"Making us calling you Dad, won't make you become our Dad, Jakey." Jordan talk as if Jake is not her boss, but a three years old kids instead. He do sounds like one though. "Our Dad is AIexander Miller, and only him."

Nina watch as Jake's face turns pale white. His jaw clenches, trying to control his anger. She remember that he indeed hates Alexander Miller to the core. She was wondering how could Jake carry such hatred toward Mr. Miller. Her best guess is that he might be those over-protective brothers who got jealous of his own sister's lovers.

Nina remembers times when Miller, Evenings and Events' Iawyer, visit their office. How Jake always turn his cold shoulder toward Miller. And how Miller always looks sad and pained at his gesture. She heard that they used to be best friend in college, and they've known each other since high school.

Once, she suspect they were an item, whose relationship turned sour. Jake's no girlfriend policy was supporting her suspicion of him being a 'G' for awhile. Well, maybe he isn't. Or on second thought, he maybe is! How could he be so immature and jeaIous otherwise...

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