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Things had been tense ever since Hannah had told Rachel about what had happened to her. Hannah felt as if Rachel wouldn't want her anymore. She hated it. Hannah felt as if she didn't belong anywhere and she felt so alone.

Hannah walked into the kitchen as she saw Rachel. Rachel looked at Hannah and smiled. "So. Do you want to talk about what has happened?" She asked.

Hannah shook her head. "Not really," Hannah said as she looked at her.

Rachel sighed. Rachel knew that she was trying with Hannah. But she knew it was hard. And she knew Hannah was pushing her away and she didn't know how to be there for Hannah and to help her. "Do you want me to go? I get it if you do," Hannah said.

Rachel looked at her and frowned. Rachel realised just how let down and rejected that Hannah felt. And she hated it. She knew it was her fault. She was to blame for what Hannah had been through.

Rachel walked over to Hannah and smiled as she placed a hand on her cheek and smiled. "I know that you're scared. And you feel like you don't belong anywhere. But I'm your mum. And I'm here. Okay? I won't let anyone hurt you again. I promise," she told her as Hannah looked at her and smiled.


Hannah got to school and stood in the corridor as she stood watching Charley and Tom. She smiled as she saw how happy that they were together. Hannah knew that Charley and Tom were both so happy together.

But Hannah also knew how she was also keeping a big secret from her sister about it. And if she revealed what happened, then Charley would hate her.

Hannah sighed to herself as she walked down the corridor in the opposite direction only to end up walking straight into Max Tyler.

She looked at him and sighed. "Sorry sir. My head is a mess. I wasn't looking where I was going," she said.

Max looked at her and smiled. "That's okay. Are you okay?"
Max asked.

Hannah looked at him and smiled. "I've been better. But I will be. Thanks sir," Hannah said as she walked off.

Max stood watching her as she walked off and frowned. He knew there was something going on.


Hannah sat in the common room. She sighed as Tom walked in. She looked at him and sighed. Tom looked down at her. "We need to talk," he said.

Hannah rolled her eyes. "No. We don't. I have nothing to say to you," she said as she stood up and went to walk off.

Tom grabbed her arm. He glared. "Keep quiet."

Hannah looked at him and rolled her eyes. "How stupid do you think I am? I'm not going to tell Charley what happened with us. So just stay away from me," Hannah spat as she stormed off.

She was feeling like the worst person possible. Knowing that Charley was going to hate her when the truth of her and Tom came up. And she wasn't prepared for it.

Easily Broken {Waterloo Road}Where stories live. Discover now