Meliodas x elizabeth

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"Hey Elizabeth" Meliodas smiles at her

"Oh good morning sir Meliodas" Elizabeth smiled back at the tied up man.

"Ummm sir Meliodas why are u tied up" Elizabeth asks in a questioningly sweet voice

Then hawks barged in the room screaming

"that would be me, I didn't wanna take any chances with this perv being in the room"

"O-oh I don't think that's necessary" Elizabeth said

"Nope ur not convincing me other wise" hawks said as if he proved a point to anyone

Elizabeth walked over and started untying the shorter male, as Meliodas just sat there low key bored.

5 mins later

Elizabeth was able to get Meliodas untied as a smile immediately formed on her face.

Meanwhile hawks just had a somewhat defeated look on his face

Hawks ended up leaving the room annoyed that they didn't meet his terms.

Now that Meliodas and Elizabeth were alone Meliodas immediately went behind a her back and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I- s-sir Meliodas" Elizabeth said, now blushing.

Elizabeth turned around the best she could, now facing Meliodas she saw that Meliodas was basically hugging her from behind, but since he's shorter then her he just met her- well

Elizabeth calmed downed for a bit trying to contain the blush on her face.

Now that she was calmed down she felt a sense of reassurance with Meliodas, and in the moment she hugged back.

Meliodas was a bit taken a back sense usually she's more shy and well she doesn't know they were ever even together.

"Well this is new" Meliodas said smirking

"I know, sorry I just did it in the heat of the moment" Elizabeth said blushing as she pulled away

"No no I like it" Meliodas said with his normal smirk face

(The smirk face Incase you don't know) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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(The smirk face Incase you don't know) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Elizabeth's blush spread farther across her face

"O-oh then" she moved closer again and hugged him first this time

Meliodas hugged back kinda just enjoying the moment sense he couldn't exactly tell her anything about them or she'd die

Elizabeth and him stayed like that for a little just enjoying each other

Then Ban barged in the room

"Ooooh captain and the lady are having some alone time huh" Ban said in a teasing manner

"Sure are" Meliodas said as he moved and squeezed her um- you know

With that same smirk face from earlier

from both the comments Elizabeth was now a bright red

Elizabeth hid her head in her hands "no it wasn't like that at all"

Elizabeth defended herself as she walked out the room to go talk with the others- and calm her heart beat

"So what we're you and lady Elizabeth doing anyways" Ban asked now kinda curious

"Just hanging out" the captain shrugged his eyebrows up and down

" whatever you say captain" ban said

"Oh that reminds me I came in here to tell you guys foods done" Ban said remembering his original intentions

"I knew hiring you would be a great idea" Meliodas said with a slight chuckle at the end as they both left to go eat and start their adventure for the day

the end sorry if you don't like the ending I started this awhile ago and never finished it so I figured I would today

Sorry it's so short and for the late updates

Also I have a new book out

Also I have a new book out

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Thats it

If you like hxh i recommend reading it ;-;"

Also school starting again and I'm on vacation rn soooo sorry if there's even later updates


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