Vivian x Male Reader

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Hello this is a request by: @thirsty_okapi

Hello this is a request by: @thirsty_okapi

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Sorry about not doing the echy stuff I still don't know if I'm comfortable with writing that stuff

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Sorry about not doing the echy stuff I still don't know if I'm comfortable with writing that stuff

Hope you enjoy

After Vivian finally listened to Gilthunders rejection you helped her threw it

You were always there for her and had liked her threw her whole- obsession for Giltunder

After you confessed to her she accepted sense she just didn't realize her feelings for you

Or she did but hid those feelings behind Gilthunder

Either way you guys were together now

It really works because Vivian needs attention which you are more then willingly to give her

Plus she's the jealous type and you understand when she thinks your crossing a line

Present (with you guys)

(y/n) was waiting on the couch for Vivian to get back

She said she was gonna make popcorn for the movie you guys were gonna watch

"(Y/n)~~" Vivian said walking back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn in her hand

She sat down next to you and leaned her head on your shoulder placing the popcorn between you both

You smiled and hugged her torso leaving a kiss on her cheek

She hugged back but kissed you on lips as you both leaned into the kiss

You were the first to pull away

"We should get to the movie" you smiled at her as she pouted a bit

"Oh cmon we both know we've been wanting to see this movie" you laughed a bit at her cuteness

"One more kiss" Vivian asked you but it was less of a request and more of a 'if we don't no movie' kinda thing

You smiled at her again

"Of course" you said leaning in closer

She connected your lips

You both shared a cute kiss which soon turned more- passionate

She pulled away first this time a smile apparent on her face

"Alright let's start the movie" Vivian said turning to grab the controller"

You just nodded getting a piece of popcorn and eating

Vivian then put the movie on

You guys were watching (insert movie of your choice)

(Mine would be jungle cruise cause I just seen it ;-;")

Vivian took a piece of popcorn as the movie started

She put it in front of your mouth as you bit it out of her hand

You swallowed it as you both laughed a bit

You pulled the blanket next to you on top of you both and moved the popcorn out from in between you guys

She cuddled into you as you cuddled back

After the movie

Vivian had fallen asleep into your arms

You picked her up as carefully as possible and moved her to your guys's  room

You rented back to the living room to clean up

You folded the blanket back on to the couch

And picked up the near empty bowl of popcorn

You went to the kitchen and emptied the bowl into the garbage then put it into the sink

You yawned going into your room and getting in bed after turning the lights off

You hugged Vivian being the big spoon and cuddling her as she slept

You were both already in your pj's sense you watched the movie in them

You kissed her cheek one last time before falling asleep holding her in your arms

Hello sorry this is short

I hope you liked it I trued to make it really fluffy

Sorry if it took awhile

Also sorry if I didn't emphasize it was a male enough sense that was the request

But I mean ¯\_()_/¯

Anyways byeee I hope you all enjoyed

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