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Full Prompt:
Lost | Field Medicine | Medieval

Prompt(s) chosen: Medieval 

AU: Medieval magic AU (I'm not sure I did this right, but I tried.)

TW: Mention of character death, violence, mention of blood, blood, evil, I made up a form of religion for this and tell me if anything associates with something else by accident so I can change it I don't want to offend anyone, being bullied, fricking annoying better than everyone else type of people, swearing

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Roman took a deep breath and stared off at the humongous castle that stood not to far away. The castle was made of a dark grey almost black stone known as Dianobsi, the strongest stone in the land of Mastho Derssan. It was surrounded by a legion of shadow and light soldiers that were much more powerful than anyone could ever expect. Inside the castle was the leader of this horrible horde, but that's for a later time. 

Together him and his friend Janus had been working for many months to arrive at the castle and slay the monstrous beast in charge of it. They journeyed through the Golden Heights mountain range, around the Dryland of the Demons, past the Reksh Swamp, and through the Bbitra Plains to get to where they were now. Where were they now? They were standing on the top of a smaller hill that bordered the area where the castle stood. It was even darker and more ominous than it had seemed on the rest of their journey. 

Roman fidgeted lightly with the dark green chain bracelet on his wrist, debating whether or not to actually summon his armor. The chain bracelet was the last thing he was able to get from his twin brother before he died on their journey. It had been a rather dark day while passing through one of the lows in the Golden Heights when shadow soldiers jumped them. They all fought bravely, Janus with their dirk, Roman with his sword, and Remus with his mace, but they got to Remus and injured him greatly. Roman and Janus fought off the remaining soldiers, but by the time they got to Remus he was on his final breaths. As his dying action he gave Roman his chain bracelet that allowed its user to summon a set of armor they linked to it. Roman took it. 

Eventually he decided he would wait until they were a little closer. Right now he needed mobility and with his large set of armor on he wouldn't have said mobility. "Ya ready, Jay?" Roman asked, turning to his friend that had accompanied him throughout this journey. They were currently sliding on their gloves, covering up the few scales on his hands so he only had the ones on his face and neck visible. This was because they were a shape-shifter and all shape-shifters at the age of eleven received their main form and got some features of it. Their main-form was a King Cobra so they had the scales of that. 

Janus turned to him giving him a half smile. "I am as ready as I could ever be," they said. "We need to get going now or else we won't make it to the gates before the sun hits its peak." Roman nodded, he was right in his assumption that it would be better to save his armor for later. The sun had just risen over the horizon and they needed to get moving, so that they did. They began the trek to the largest castle on the world of Mastho Derssan where the villain of this story lay in wait. 

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He shuffled his wings as he motioned for his light servant to take away the tray he had been eating his lunch on. He desperately wanted to go flying, but after the update one of his scouts has given him earlier today he knew it wasn't safe. The two people who had been on their way to his palace to fight him would be here in a few hours, and if he got hurt now then that would be less than optimal. So, instead he decided to take a walk around his castle. 

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