A helping hand

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Morning could not come fast enough for Wild.

Most of the night he had been tossing and turning, until Wolfie had enough and sat right on top of him, having a 120 pound wolf on top of you all night is not fun, but somehow Wild managed to fall asleep until morning.

His first thoughts on a normal day are usually 'Whats breakfast?', but today is different. Very different.

Wild sat up in bed so fast that he startled a poor Wind, who had been just waking up and getting out of his 'Wind burito'. That is just Warriors scarf wrapped up tightly around him.

After giving Wind a sheepish smile and wave, he looked to where Hyrule was working the night prior. But he wasn't there. With a fast beating heart he started looking around the camp.

Sky was still passed out in the corner,

Warriors was cleaning his armour and boots,

Four was sharpening Time's sword which was bigger then him by several feet,

Legend was building a fire,

Time was no where to be seen, probably out collecting fire wood,

Wolfie was at Wild feet "fast" asleep, 'bullcrap' Wild thought.

Wind was behind Wild still trying to get out of the scarf trap he somehow found him self in,

But Hyrule is nowhere to be found,

"Wild...are you okay?" Winds voice startled him, Wild turned towards the youngest of their group with a confused look, then noticed Wolfie was also looking at him.

"You look really tense all of a suden. Are you okay?" Wind repeated himself.

"Yeah.. I'm okay." Wild answered. "Do you know where Hyrule is?" Wild asked with a worried voice.

Wind raised and eyebrow at the question but shrugged it off, as everyone knew they where best friends when it came to the open fields and food.

"no, sorry, I just woke up myself." Wind answered. "Legend always seems to know where he is maybe ask him."

"Alright will do!" Wild said with a small wave, getting up was a Hassel, having a 120 pound wolf on your feet that doesn't want to get up gets annoying really fast.

After a large amount of pushing, shoving, angry kicking, and laughter from Wind, Wolfie finally decided to stand up.

Legend did NOT look like he wanted anyone near him. He had a very large frown and would glare if anything came near. But Wild didn't really care. Plus he had Wolfie with him, what could go wrong?

Wolfie stopped following him.

Wolfie just turned around and sat on top of a still laughing Wind who at this point is screaming at Warriors to help get Wolfie off.

Warriors just looks up, laughs at the exchange, and goes back to cleaning his shield.

'Well looks like I'm on my own this time'
Wild thought as he went towards Legend.

As Wild walked closer Legend looked up and glared daggers at Wild. If looks could kill Wild would fall dead where he stood.

"Where is Hyrule? And Spirit?" Wild asked from a safe distance, just in case Legend trys to jump him, he could run to safety.

Legend looks like he is contemplating whether he should tell Wild or jump him.
Lucky, for Wild, he goes with the former.

"He went to the pond to wash her off with Time." Legend said simply, going back to the fire.

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