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Legend woke with a start
when something light rammed into his back.
He had jumped right out of his sleeping roll, sword in hand ready to fight; Legend was about to call for everyone to get up when he saw what hit him, his stomach droped upon realizing what it was.

Wild had showen countless photos of the small creature, but this one looked almost dead, its normal glowing light blue fur was now a moss green with a slight dark blue glow coming out from underneth; the usually beautiful golden antlers where now a dreadful brown.

A Blupee, a dieing Blupee had somehow run into this little cave and accidentally rammed into a sleeping Legend.

Legend gingerly picked up the small Blupee, it gave a strong shiver in reply and a red rupee fell to the stone floor with a soft 'clank'.

Legend immediately knew what was wrong, insane shivers, large amounts of saliva running down the side of its mouth, difficulty breathing, and fever; all symptoms of poisoning.

The little Blupee suddenly tried wiggled out of the Veterans arms by kicking its legs out and trying to roll around in his hands. He carefully got the Blupee comfortable in his arms and slowly walked to the dieing fire.

Legend gingerly placed the dieing blupee in front of the fire to see it beter, another violent shiver ran it's way through its small body; another red rupee fell next to it.

The pink haired hero quickly got to work, he wouldn't let a animal of this Forest die on his watch. Digging through his bags with out much thought of how noisy it would be, quickly but gently pulled out a syring with a needle, his canteen of water, and a small cup, he carefully wrapped the small rabbit in a blanket. Now the work begean.

Carefully walking around the slumbering bodies of Wind, Four, and Sky, he crouched infront of Twilight, giveing his shoulder a hard shake, sleepy blue eyes stared at him for a second before they closed and he slowly got up.

"Do you need something that you had to wake me up?" Twilight asks, sleep still evident in his voice.

Legend just frowned and grabbed the Shiekah slate that was next to Twi's bed roll, "Yeah, i need salt and suger from this thing stat." He gently threw the slate on Twilight's lap.

Twilight gave him a wierd look, "Why?"

It was a simple question really, he should be able to answer it easily, but it just ticked the pink haired hero off, "Look the more time I waste here the less time I have to save that glowing rat okay? now just give it."

"glowing Rat?"

"Rancher, hurry up." legend said between his teeth almost sounding like a growl.

Twilight gave up with a shrug and opened the slate, carefully tapping glowing blue buttons that went to a large list of WAY to much food. with several more taps a salt rock and sugar magicly came into existence in little blue lines.

"Now can you tell me what you need this for?" Twilight asked with raised eyebrows.

Legend just looked him in the eye, grabbed the salt and sugar, and walked off back to the fire which he quickly threw more wood into.

'what are you doing?' Twilight thought to himself, he slowly got out of his bed roll making sure not to wake his protege who was peacefully sleeping next to him, Wild had woken up not long after everyone went to bed but quickly fell back asleep; he was okay- for the most part.

Legend was rappidly mixing a cup of water with the salt he had broken and the suger, another cup was next to him with some black- dirt?

"Legend what are you doing?" Twilight asks for the third time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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