Stories and rest

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The walk back to the camp was silent, except for the small cracks of twigs and the loud breathing of Mama bear. Dark clouds had begun to accumulate in the sky, so they decided to pack up camp and move to a small cave where mama bear lived.

Wild had said that she wouldn't mind.

Wind had been overly excited to be able to ride on mama bear's back, nearly falling over but haveing fun nonetheless, and Warriors just wanted to die from all this stress, to which Legend just poked fun at him.

As soon as they got back to camp they where greeted with a large brown and white deer. Two large grey horns grew from his head tangled with long green vines filled with pink and purple flowers making him look like a forest spirit.

"ZANE!" Wild yelled as he ran towards the large deer giving him a large hug around his neck. Zane gave him a hug back by bringing his head down and around Wilds torso, giving him a slightly squeeze.

"Another friend?" Four asked.

"Yup! His name is Zane. I found him when he was a baby, some hunters had killed his mom and left him in the forest alone." Wild explaing while peting the the deers side. Zane was taller then him by about one to two feet.

"So are we gonna let this storm catch us by sitting here, or are we going to move?" Legend snapped with his hands on his sides.

"Well, yeah. I mean Zane could help us carry everything. He is a strong deer." Wild said.

"Don't we have Epona for a reason? That is why the rancher brought her right?" Legend argued back.

"I brought her because she is my horse. Not for packing duty." Twilight answered Legend.

"Okay enough." Four interjected, "let's stop arguing and pack up. That storm is NOT gonna wait for us. And if you haven't noticed, the clouds are getting darker."

"And the wind is picking up the pace. Which means a large storm! Like really big. Maybe it's gonna be a cyclone." Wind added.

"All the more reason to get moving. I do not want any of you boys getting caught in this storm." Time finished the conversation by placing his bag over Zanes shoulders.

With that everyone got to work. Picking up the discarded beds, tools, pots and pans, shields, and everything else.

The walk towards Mama bears den wasn't far, but with the strong winds that picked up, and the start of rain coming down, the road became very slippery. Epona wasn't haveing a good time climbing up a slippery slope, but made it her top priority to make it.

After lots of apples from Wild, pulling and pushing from Twilight, and a large push by Mama bear, Epona was able to make it into the cave.

"So t-this is it huh?" Sky says, as he walks into the dry, humid cave. Trying his best not to shiver.

"Yeah this is i-it!" Wild answered, running his hands up and down his arms to keep warm, "We should strat a fire, keep us warm a-and dry us up a little."

"Yeah good idea, I'll st-tart it." Four says, as he walks towards the opposite corner then Mama bear. His hair dripping small drops of water.

Time put Wind down from his shoulders and asked, "is there something we should know before we do something that your- that Mama bear wouldn't like?"

"No, not really. Just don't be to loud, she likes it to be quite." Wild answered.

After what felt like hours to the group, the fire was finally lit, and the cave was starting to get warm.

Outside the storm was getting worst. The winds howled, rain pored, lightning cracked on the ground leaving scorched marks, and the thunder roared.

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