The Morgue

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"Come here, Princess." He holds out his arms.

I walk over to him smiling and he pulls me into a hug. "please don't call me princess in front of my team."

The team chuckles and my father and I pull away from each other.

"This is your daughter?" Aaron asks.

"I sure hope so, I don't know where the dark hair and green eyes came from if it wasn't me." He says. "Hey can I have a moment alone with my daughter? Hey, Sanders, talk to the agents." My dad waves over at Sanders and he leads me to his office.

"I am so happy to see you. I'm shocked you're back in Portland." He says.

"Yeah, but I'm okay. Dad, can you do me a favor and not mention anything about my past to the team? I've worked really hard to get where I am." I say.

"Of course, princess." He says, bending down and cupping my face. "I am so proud of you."
He kisses my forehead and straightens up.

We leave the office and head back over to where the team is. I walk over to Spencer and stand next to him. He bends down and whispers,

"I feel there's a lot you're not telling me about yourself."

I look at him and he raises his eyebrows at me. I turn my attention to Sanders, though, it isn't the Sanders I was expecting. This one is young, light brown, short hair, taller than I remember. He's my childhood friend.

"So, yeah if you don't mind, we would like to assist on this case as much as possible. Chief Winters has said that ultimately you guys are in charge." Sanders says.

"These have all been in the past 3 months, yes?" Aaron says.

"Yes, three murders in three months. We're pretty sure it's the same guy considering the abduction and dump locations."

"three that you're sure of." I say.

Sanders looks at me and smiles. "Yes, Winters. That I'm sure."

"Agent Winters."

"Agent." He says.

"Derek and JJ will interview families. Reid, Winters I want you to go to the morgue. See if you can find anything. Report back here. Meanwhile, I want your team to get every file on abductions and I'll go through them." Aaron says.

"Alright, Dr. Reid. Let's go to the morgue." I pat his arm and we turn to walk out of the police station.

We walk down the steps and head to the SUV, Spencer flips the keys in his hand before unlocking it and getting in. I walk around to the other side and get in as Spencer starts the SUV.

"I'm assuming you know where to go." Spencer says.

"Yeah, just go down this road and get on the highway. It'll be about three miles down." I point out the windshield.

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