Explosion Released Lucifer

Start from the beginning

"You say that again and I'm gonna send you back to Jesus permanently. It wasn't just a cut or we wouldn't be here. A cut wouldn't have you unconscious for a week and a half."

I looked at her with wide eyes cause I know she didn't just say a week and a half. I looked at my wrist band and it said I was admitted on the Saturday we started working on the house. I grabbed her phone and looked at the date and it's a Thursday. When I looked the number sure enough I have been in here for 12 days. What the actual fuck?

"How is that even possible for a cut on the arm?"

"You were bleeding out so fast they couldn't get it to stop. It took four hours for them to maintain the bleeding long enough for them to stitch up your arm." She informed me. I was just in shocked about the whole thing like I've been here for almost two weeks for a cut on the arm.

There was a knock on the door and it was the nurse bringing me my water along with Chris and Brandon. All three of them looked scared of Onika so I know for a fact she's been here giving them hell. "Here you go Agent Knowles."

"Call me Beyoncé and thank you very much." I said then she left. Brandon was standing in the far corner looking like a scared child.

"Hey BG how are you feeling?" Chris asked.

"I'm good just ready to go home and get this healing time over with cause I was looking forward to go back to work. How have y'all been and B why are you in the corner?"

He looked at me then looked back down at the floor. "No reason. I'm sorry for putting you in here."

"Man don't sweat it. It was an accident that anyone could have made. I'm fine just stitches that's all. I'm still gonna get out of here and shoot better than you and beat you in pretty much everything." I said laughing with Chris. He smirked a little than looked at Oni who had a menacing look on her face.

What the hell have she done to everybody? This is them hormones taking over. "BG we're gonna go..." Chris started but I interrupted.

"No you're not. Have a seat y'all just got here. Baby where are the kids?"

"With our mothers."

"We'll go check on them and bring everyone up here."

"No I'm gonna..."

"What did I say Tanya? Don't think I won't get out this bed and handle that ass real quick. Now go get our mother and kids. I love you and I will see you in a few." I said sternly.

She looked at me for a moment then grabbed her bag huffing and puffing. "I love you too and I'll be back." She said walking out.

"Now someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Yo that explosion released Lucifer when you passed out. She told Brandon that she was gonna blow his appendage off. If you didn't make it she was gonna send him with you so you can have company."

I looked at him like he was crazy as he continued. "The receptionist told her to hold on she flipped all holy shit then. Like bruh you are not allowed to die ever." Chris let it all go. I couldn't believe she would act like that. She's gonna get her ass here and apologize.

"Man I'm sorry y'all. She is really possessive when it comes to me. I have not yet understood why but she will apologize for what she said. B it's ok I swear it on my life. It was a simple accident that anybody could've made."

He finally walked out the corner to give me a proper hello. "Man she is scary as fuck. She has been threatening me the whole time you've been out. Everyday she calls me to tell me something new." He said looking around like she's coming back. Now I want her ass to get back here cause I'm gonna have to fix this shit.

"Man she's not gonna do any of that. She has a lot of bark and no bite. So why are the nurses so scared?"

"Because she's been cussing them out too. Now I know why she went off on the first nurse because she was seconds away from killing you. All the other nurses was just trying to do their job and they got cussed out."

"How did the other nurse try to kill me?"

"Onika told them that you were allergic to Amoxicillin and it's on your chart but the nurse didn't read it and was about to administer it to you. Onika and I both screamed for her to stop when she told us what it was. After that she went ham called the nurse illiterate and incompetent." Chris said.

"After that she was on every nurse like white on rice. Asking them were they competent enough to do their job properly or were they into killing patients." Brandon said.

"BG man I'm gonna pray for you." Chris said laughing.

"Y'all better pray for her cause when she get back here I might choke her to sleep. That don't make no fucking sense." A really young nurse walked in and she was looking around the room, most likely for Onika.

"Hello Agent..."

"Call me Beyoncé and tell that to all the nurses. I'm not on duty so Beyoncé is fine." I said cutting her off.

"Ok Beyoncé I'm just here to check your vitals." Her hands were shaking and you can tell she was scared. I laid my hands over hers and she looked up at me.

"Calm down sweetheart my wife isn't here. I know she has been on y'all like a moth to a flame. I'm sorry for her behavior and it won't happen again I promise." I said to her. She nodded and was finally able to do everything she needed to do.

"So I removed everything but your IV. The doctor wants to keep that in until she comes to talk to you."

"Ok. Am I able to get up and move around?"

"Yes I moved your bag to the portable pole just in case you needed to used the bathroom. They should be bringing you your lunch within the next hour." She said then left.

"When my wife gets here with the kids I'm gonna need everyone to step out. This just pissed me off to the max. It's no reason for someone to act like that." I said with my blood boiling.

It took about an hour and a half for her to return with our mothers and the kids. In that time I've already had lunch and another IV bag was administered. She walked in looking like a sad puppy cause she knows she's in trouble. I tried not to glare at her but it proved to be impossible.

The kids got up on the bed and it look like they've been crying. "Hey babies."

"You right Dada?" Alyssa asked like she was about to cry again.

"It hurt Dada?" Jay asked as tears was already falling down his face. My babies look so scared that it broke my heart.

"I'm fine babies and it don't hurt. When I get home we're gonna draw all over it ok?"

"Weally?" They asked excited.

"Yep we're gonna paint on it and used markers. We can put glitter and stickers. Does that sound like fun?"

"Yes!" The screamed excited.

"Ok but to do it you gotta stop being sad and crying cause I'm fine and we're too strong to cry over something weak. Are y'all strong like me?"

"Yes we stwong yike you Dada!" Jay answered for them as Alyssa nodded.

"Then no more tears. Now I need everyone to step out except for Onika." She knew she was in trouble because I don't call her that.

Once everyone left and the door was shut I stood up. "Have you lost your ever loving mind?!" I yelled pissed off.

(A/N: How is this argument gonna go? Was Onika right for the way she acted? Will this accident leave any permanent damage to Beyoncé's arm? What would you like to see next? Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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