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"Wait The Thirteen like from the history books? I don't believe it." Ava said.

"She's right guys I'm a sucker for a pesky little thing called evidence." I said.

I stared at Thirteen but I snapped out of it when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I yelped and spun around in surprise.

              "Boo!" Leah yelled.

"What? How- how did you get over here." I stuttered walking backwards.

"Well, you said you wanted evidence so I gave you." She turned around and walked away as nothing happened.

The day went along quickly Leah told us she would show us and to round in the palace tomorrow.

              "Now come on, you guys must be starving." She turned around and walked away as nothing happened.

I stared at her as she led up to the dining room.

We each took our respective seats at the table in front of our fiancées.

Oh no! I'm gonna have to marry her! But she's a woman, I'm not ready to get married. Especially not to a sex-addicted woman! I thought.

I was so lost in thought I didn't even realised we had been served.

Everything looked delicious.

              Is this what dinner is like here every day? I thought grabbing a fork.

Halfway through Leah spoke to us.

               "Dinner is delicious here. Always, it's my favourite meal." She said chuckling.

I didn't reply, for my mind was elsewhere.

The day went along quickly Leah told us she would show us and to round in the palace tomorrow.

It was back in the village with my family although they sold me I still felt bad.

My family was always there for me no matter what and when they sold me out like that it hurt.

I mean I get that she was in debt but we could have sold the tavern or something.

But I know he won't do that because that tavern has been in my family for years.

I couldn't fathom why my father would do such a thing I could have worked extra shifts so he could save money.

I got so angry I slammed my fist onto the table startling everyone and making them look in my direction.

             "Are you okay?" Ava asked resting her palm on my clenched fist.

My face softened upon seeing her worried expression.

             "Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "I just need some air, excuse me."

"Me too." She said.

I got up and followed Ava out of the room.

In spite of everything that occurred today this has to be the worst.

Despite the creepy exterior, the palace was actually really beautiful.

The day went along quickly Leah told us she would show us and to round in the palace tomorrow.

Dinner was really slow.

Well for me at least I finished last, maybe because I didn't have much of an appetite.

Ava gasped and snapped me out of my thoughts.

As we were about to break the corner she pushed me back.

            "What? Ava are you okay you're as white as a sheet." I told her.

"D-don't go o-over there."She stammered.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"No, you can't just trust me."

"Oh come on Ava whatever you saw can't possibly be that-" I paused past her and saw something I wished I never did.

After all that happened with Leah today, I still didn't believe what all hehe has still aid about The Thirteen but no I did.

No wonder she wasn't at dinner she was here doing the unspeakable, the unthinkable even.

Thirteen there she stood sucking the life out of a half-naked girl.

I found myself struggling to breathe.

Any normal black person would have gotten the hell outta there, did I? Nope.

I stood there and watched as she sucked that girl dry.

I couldn't even scream, move nothing I was frozen, and when I finally found the courage to step backwards.

I knocked over a vase making it shatter all over the floor.

Thirteen turned her attention from the half-dead girl to me.

In the blink of all never eye there she stood towering over me.

When I finally found my voice all that came out was, "Fuck!"

After I blacked out and before I could hit the floor I felt a pair of strong arms catch me before I even touched down.


I stretched my arms out.

Wait a minute my bed isn't this soft it isn't soft at all its flat as a pancake.

I rolled over and opened my eyes coming face to face with none other than...

The Thirteen |Ruby Rose Fanfic| GXGWhere stories live. Discover now