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The night had closed in much quicker than he would have liked. Just two days left and they had spent one of them driving back and forth instead of getting things done. That was pushed to the back of his mind for once, because Allison was bleeding out in the back seat.

Five was probably the most calm out of his siblings, which is why he opted to make the still frantic drive back to the Academy. They probably thought he was being cold, but in his mind, it was the opposite.

For the majority of Five's life, he had the image of each of his dead siblings engraved into his eyelids. Their limp bodies and empty stares haunted him every waking second. To him, it was still a daydream that they were really alive. He had already gotten to accept their deaths, so naturally he was more level headed than the others.

Luther was talking lowly to Allison, even though she was unconscious. He reassured her tearfully as the car increased in speed, more to calm himself than her. Just a day ago, Five had been in that seat, in a position similar to Allison's. That idea alone gave him hope that they would get her the help she needed.

In the passenger seat, Diego was staring out the window at their surroundings. He was anxious about the situation, that much was obvious. He was quiet, way too quiet, which is how he always used to get when he was scared or upset. While the others made their emotions known, Diego dealt with his silently.

In the mirror, Five glanced at his other brother, who was curled up next to Luther and Allison, crying.

They just needed to get home, and fast. Emotions were high and everyone in the car was terrified that they wouldn't make it back in time.

Which is why the flash of blue light in the passenger seat was so alarming. Diego practically screamed when the light appeared above him and a body fell into his lap.

It was Charlotte, curled into a ball and covered in dark stains.

"Holy shit!" Klaus shouted from behind him.

The car swerved as Five glanced over at the girl, who was clutching a briefcase and awkwardly splayed out on Diego's lap now.

When she looked up at Diego the moonlight the seeped into car shown on her face. "Sorry." She was shaken and visibly exhausted, it even showed in her voice.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Five shouted, suddenly. He was struggling to keep his eyes on the road. All day he expected her to show up, and the longer se was gone, the more worried he got.

She flinched back against the window. The briefcase had fallen to the floor of the car and her hands were clutched to her chest. They were covered in the same dark substance on her clothing and smeared on her cheek. It was dried blood.

Looking down at her, Diego's eyes widened. The hilt of a knife was sticking straight out of her thigh. "Whoa-"

"Keep driving," she said over him. "Just- just keep driving."

"Where were you?" Luther asked quietly from the back of the car.

She looked at him and gasped as she took in the sight of Allison in his arms. "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Is she-"

"She's alive," Luther breathed. "She's going to be okay."

By the time the car skidded in front of the academy, everyone was desperate to get Allison help. Luther rushed her to the entrance, with Klaus on his heels. The others hung behind to help get Charlotte out of the car.

With a restrained groan, Charlotte stood, putting no pressure on her injured leg.

"We have to get that knife out," Diego said as he bent so that he could throw her arm over his shoulder to keep her upright.

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