An Author's Note

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Hello everyone! Feel free to skip this, if you like; it's not a chapter. 

But to everyone who stayed, thank you so much for reading! It's been insane in the best way to see all the new comments and votes roll in the last few days. I really appreciate all the voters, commenters, and silent readers. I hope you guys are enjoying Raincoats.

I most likely won't be posting a chapter for the weekend, because I'm going camping with my family, so I thought that I would write to you guys instead. 

Again, I hope you guys are enjoying Charlotte and her story. I wanted to have this space to ask you guys in the comments about your thoughts or if you have any questions, whether they pertain to the story or just updating in general.

And I would love to hear about any suggestions you guys may have. Is there anything you like seeing in Umbrella Academy fanfictions? Anything you're hoping to see happen in this story? If you have suggestions, I can't guarantee that I'll implement them, but if I do, I'll be sure to give full credit for whatever idea is offered. 

My private messages are always open if you would like to talk to me. Thank you so much for the support! 


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