Murder, She Wrote

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Five practically limped out of the car once they stopped again. After the incident on the roof, they found Diego and Allison waiting for them a block over. The two offered to go back to the Academy, though the proposition was turned down. He looked drained, but if anyone was persistent, it was him.

The others piled out of the car to walk up the path to Harold Jenkins's house. Charlotte still held that blank expression, that was frankly starting to scare Five. She wasn't taking this well.

"Be careful, okay? Allison told her older brother, who was already halfway to the front door. "We don't know what Peabody is capable of."

"Yeah," Diego replied dismissively. "He didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him."

From what the others could remember of their brief encounter with Vanya's boyfriend, they couldn't really disagree.

"He looked kind of scrawny."

Allison trotted up beside him. "Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murders. I mean," she looked over at Five. "Look at him."

"Thanks," he said with a sideways glance at Charlotte. She wasn't really bothering to keep up with the rest of the group.

In fact, Charlotte looked broken. Her eyes were empty, staring forward at the door as if it was her only drive to keep moving. There was a knife clutched loosely in her hand, the same knife she used less than an hour before to kill their attacker. It was clear that her state wasn't a result of the killing, but of what she was told by the victim.

Once on the porch, Diego started explaining a plan that no one was listening to. He paused when he noticed that Allison had gone missing, most likely having gone around the back of the house. "You know what?" He tilted his head down at Five. "It would be nice for people to just stick to-"

Both Five and Charlotte disappeared again. He blinked them into Jenkins's living room. Charlotte scanned the room absently as he let go of her arm.

"Okay, what is up with you, because you look like you're about to have a break down."

She turned to him as if startled by the comment. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The striking sound of glass shattering came from the front of the house. Charlotte and Five immediately went to the front door. Allison joined them as they found Diego crumbled on the floor in a pile of broken glass, groaning.

Five inspected the door, where Diego had jumped through the glass paneling. He opened it.

"Subtle," Allison smirked.

"You know, the door was unlocked," Five pointed.

"Nice going, Batman."

Diego stood with a deeper groan. "Yeah, well my way works just fine."

They spread out to search the house for any sign of Harold or where he could be. They were looking for anything suspicious, anything that could hint at his involvement with the apocalypse.

Charlotte crept into the dinning room, which was neat and basically barren of anything important.

"Guys! You need to see this!"

Everyone followed Allison's voice up the stairs and in the attic. Charlotte followed on Diego's heels closely and almost gasped when she entered the attic.

The side of the space was lined with shelves, each full of merchandise. It was Umbrella Academy merch. She ran her fingers over one of the posters of the Umbrella Academy children when they were young. This one didn't quite look like any of the others. He was too pale to be Diego, too round faced to look like Five or Klaus, and his hair didn't match up with Luther's coloring. Her fingertips brushed over the scratch marks that wiped out the eyes and mask of the boy on the poster.

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