Chapter 3

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Nancy's POV

Today was my first day of school. It felt weird saying that in March. I should clarify that it is my first day at school at my new school. I was extremely anxious at first, but now I was mostly calm. I compared my schedule with everyone else's and I saw that I knew at least one person in all of my classes. I would never be alone. I wasn't terrified of talking to new people, but it was comforting to have friends in my classes. It settled my nerves.

I organized all my school stuff and put it in my backpack. I followed June out the door and we walked down the driveway. We met up with Benny and Smalls. June explained that she walked to school with them every day.

We all got to school and I followed June around like I was a lost puppy. I was a tad bit overwhelmed and confused. June showed me around to the best of her abilities, but it didn't completely help. It was just a huge school. It made me feel like a tiny ant. June's guidance did help me to a degree. It made me feel a little better about things. I had some sense of where I was supposed to be going.

I found my locker quickly. I didn't need June's help to find it. Though, she was watching me the entire time to make sure I didn't get lost. Her own locker wasn't that far away from mine. There were only a few people separating us. Luckily, I did have another friend close by. Bertram's locker was right next to mine.
"How you holding up?" He asked as he fidgeted with the lock on his locker.
"I'm alright, it's just a lot at once, you know?" I replied.
"I get it," he said. "Don't worry about it, you'll be fine. After a few days, you'll be super comfortable in this school. You'll know it like the back of your hand."
"Thanks Bertram," I smiled.
"Of course," he smiled back. "I'm sure you already know this, but we have first period together. I was thinking that maybe we could walk to class together?"
"Well of course we would walk together, that would be the most logical thing to do. We are going to the same place after all," I said.
"Right, of course," he grinned. We continued talking until we got to our first class, which was math.

I walked into math class and any worries I had vanished. I forgot June and Benny were in this class. They sat next to each other, but there were two open seats next to them. I asked my teacher if I could sit there and she said yes. I sat in the empty seat next to June and Bertram sat on the other side of me.

Thankfully, my teacher didn't make me introduce myself and say any cliche icebreakers to the entire class. I hated those. I didn't mind speaking in front of a class, but those icebreakers were stupid. As I said before, I got lucky and I didn't have to do them. My teacher simply explained that there was a new student and pointed at me. I smiled and waved. That was it.

Math class was surprisingly really fun. Maybe it's because I had three of my best friends in the class, but whatever the reason was didn't matter. I enjoyed myself, that's what mattered. Let me relay to you some of the highlights of the class. There was June and Benny arguing over math, between the two of them June was usually right. Then there was me apparently being a genius at math even though I came to school in the middle of a lesson. To quote Benny, "I don't remember you being a math whiz." Finally, you had Bertram witnessing all of this. He just sat there laughing and smiling. All in all, it was a great class. I hoped that the rest of school would be like this.

Author's Note: Chapter 3!! I already love this fanfic!! I don't have anything else to say lol 😂
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 😊❤️
Like always, I proofread but if you see any typos please let me know! 👍

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