Chapter 1

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Nancy's POV

I was practicing cheers in my bedroom when my mom suddenly came barreling through the door.
"Hey mom, what's going on? Why did you nearly break my door down?" I giggled.
"Nancy darling, please sit down. I need to tell you something important," she said. She sounded serious, really serious. I've never heard her have a tone like that before. It made me extremely worried.
"What is it mom?" I asked.
My mom was as stiff as a board. "Do you remember how we stayed in California with June and her mom last summer?"
"Of course," a small smile formed on my lips. I had a great time in California last summer. Just thinking about it forced a smile to appear on my face.
"Well, we are moving there. We are moving in with your cousin and aunt," she explained.
"What?" I swear I didn't hear my mom's words correctly. I needed to hear them again to know they were true.
"We are moving in with June and her mom," my mom repeated. So it was actually true. I didn't respond, I was dead silent. I needed a minute to process this life changing information. Once I took everything in, two questions instantly crossed my mind. I asked them immediately. "Why and when are we moving in with them?"
"We are leaving in a week, so there's your when. I can't tell you why. Though, I did really like that town so you can have that for your why," my mom said.
"I loved that town! It made me turn over a new leaf," I replied.
"I know, you weren't snobby there and you haven't been snobby since," she laughed.
"Mom!" I cried.
"Sorry sweetie, but it's true. I'm guilty of it too," she continued laughing.
"Whatever mom," I giggled quietly. "Wait, why can't you tell me why we are moving there?"
"Don't worry about that darling," my mom said reassuringly. She tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and softly put her hand on my cheek.
I smiled. "Okay, I won't worry." That was a lie. I was still going to worry, nothing would stop me. Not even my mom's comforting words.
She removed her hand from my face. "Good, now you need to start packing. Remember, we leave in a week."
"I'll starting packing soon," I said. My mom grinned and left my bedroom.

I couldn't believe I was moving in with June! I didn't want to wait a week, I want to move in tomorrow! I was so excited! This felt like a dream or a fantasy! However, as I continued to think my emotions started to falter. All the negative feelings overpowered the positive ones. For starters, why wasn't I allowed to know the reason for the move? What could it possibly be? I couldn't help but think that it had to do with June's dad. What if things got worse? What if she got hurt? I hoped and prayed that that wasn't the case. Though, if it was I knew Benny would be there for her. That was something good to focus on. The next thing I was concerned about was Ham. I was nervous that things would be awkward between us. I know we never dated, but I still couldn't get the thought out of my mind. We had feelings for each other. I don't know how I feel about him now. My feelings are complicated I guess. Does he still like me? What if he completely forgot about me? What if he has a girlfriend? There is so much potential for our relationship to be weird or, this is expecting the worst, ruined.

I suppressed all those thoughts. I didn't want to think about them now. I honestly didn't want to think about them ever again, but I knew I would have to confront them once I got to California. That meant I had a week without those intrusive thoughts.

I distracted myself by furiously packing my suitcase. I was able to focus only on that task. Those thoughts still lingered in the back of my mind though. I knew I would have to face them soon. Deep down I knew I wasn't ready to do that. I wasn't at all ready to face the consequences of them.

Author's Note: Chapter 1 of the new fanfic!! I love this idea!! I love that it is a spin-off of "It's Obvious". I was sad when that fanfic ended so I'm glad I get to go back into that world lol. You will get to see more of Benny and June's relationship so that is amazing. I'm so excited to write that. I'm also excited that Nancy is getting her own love story. I need to say that my dad is the inspiration behind this. He adored Nancy and wanted her to get a story of her own. Sorry for that long rant lol 😂
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the new fanfic! 😊❤️
I proofread but if you see any typos please let me know! 👍

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