Chapter 2

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Nancy's POV

A week went by and I was on my way to June's house. The week went by severely slow. It felt like a century went by instead of just one week. Despite the slowness, the week was over.

My mom pulled into June's driveway and I jumped out of the car. I ran up to the house and knocked on the door. June opened it and then hugged me.
"I told you that we would see each other again soon," I giggled.
"I guess you were right," she laughed. June peered over her shoulder and smiled. "I have a surprise for you Nance, it's inside." I followed June inside and the house was normal. It was just the same as when I left. My eyes scanned the room, but I still found nothing.
"What is the sur-" I got cut off by a bunch of boys screaming. Those weren't just any boys though. I knew them. I met them at the sandlot last summer. "Welcome back Nance!" They all shouted at the top of their lungs. I heard June laughing hysterically behind me. I started laughing myself. Needless to say, this was a great surprise.

I talked to and did some, very necessary, catching up with the guys. They told me all about school and how things were going at the sandlot. Everything was good.
"Speaking of school," June said. "Did you get your schedule Nance?"
"I did, but it's in my suitcase. I'll show it to you later," I replied. I got my new school schedule yesterday. I found that weird if I was being honest. The school mailed it to me the day before I moved. Why wouldn't they wait until I got to town? Whatever their thought process was, it didn't matter anymore. I got my schedule and that was it. That was the important part.

Everyone was now separated into different groups around the house. I floated around amongst all of them. I didn't stick to one particular group. Currently, I was talking to June and Benny. They are still absolutely adorable. I'm so happy that they got together last summer. The conversation was really upbeat and positive, but I had to ruin it. "Hey June, can I ask you something?"
"Of course," she replied.
"Do you know why I moved here? My mom won't tell me anything," I explained.
June was taken aback. "She hasn't told you anything?"
"She hasn't told me anything," I shook my head.
"I'll tell you, but you can't bring it up around your mom. She clearly doesn't want you to know," June was assertive and serious. That wasn't like her.
"Ok, I promise I won't," I complied.
"The reason you are here is..." she paused. It was as if it was hurting her to talk. It was like she was in pain. Benny put a comforting arm around her and she continued. "The reason you are here is because my parents divorced. My parents divorced because of my dad. Let's just say that he kept doing what he did last summer. It got a lot worse and I even ended up in the hospital for a few days. My mom needs emotional support right now. Your mom is providing that support. We also always have fun together so that helps too."
"Oh my gosh...June that's awful. I'm so sorry," I said. I know those words didn't help the situation, but it was better than not saying anything.
"You don't have to be sorry, but thank you. Anyways, it's all over now. I never have to see him again," her lips turned into a small smile.
"I'm going to assume he knows," I said referring to Benny.
"Yeah, good observation skills Nance," she countered. Benny snickered. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't fight the laughter that was forcing its way up my throat. "Whatever, do the rest of the guys know?"
June nodded. "Yeah they know. It wasn't easy to hide." That was a good point. For starters, there aren't many things June can hide from those guys, especially Benny. Also, it would probably be hard to hide the fact that your dad was hitting you.

I caught myself glancing at Ham for like the millionth time today. I didn't even realize I was doing it. It's crazy how sometimes you can't control what your own body does. I don't know why I kept glancing at him. Maybe deep down I was yearning for him and I didn't know it. Maybe my heart was overpowering my brain. I don't know what the reason was, but I couldn't stop. I hoped nobody noticed, but soon all hope I had died.
"What is going on with you? That's like the hundredth time you have looked at Ham," June said. "No girl has ever looked at Ham that much."
"Wow you are really sarcastic today, huh?" I asked.
Benny laughed. "Are you kidding me? This is nothing." June elbowed him in the arm and he smirked. So they still flirt like before. That's honestly adorable. The two of them are so cute together.
"As I was saying, what is up with you?" June asked again.
"I don't know what is going on with me. My feelings are all over the place. Part of me still kind of likes him, but part of me doesn't. I just don't know what I'm feeling," I explained.
"Well don't force yourself to do or feel anything. Let your feelings come naturally," she said.
"But what if things get awkward between us?" I asked.
"Then things are awkward between you two. You can't change it. You also can't change how you feel," she smiled reassuringly. Since when was June so good at giving advice? I don't remember her having great advice like that.

June's words calmed me down. I wasn't nearly as worried as before. I was just going to take her advice. I couldn't control my feelings. Whatever happens happens. I couldn't change that.

Author's Note: Chapter 2!! I know I haven't posted in a little while. I just started school so I have been busy with that. I'll be posting less because of school, but I will still make time to write. I love writing way too much to not do it lol 😂
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😊❤️
Just like before, I proofread but if you find any typos please let me know! 👍

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