Chapter 21

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Nancy's POV

It's been about a month and things have been great. I don't think they could be better. Bertram and I have been going steady, June and Benny and Ham and Alicia have as well. All the couples in our friend group are doing spectacular.

First, Junny and Benny have been doing as good as they always have. Overtime, June began to feel better and she went back to her normal sarcastic outgoing self. Benny was there for her every step of the way. Of course, the rest of us were too, but we could never compare to him. We already saw their entire story play out, they just continued it. Their relationship got stronger and they somehow became cuter. Other than adorable improvements, nothing changed between them or surrounding them.

Next, Ham and Alicia surprised us. Not only were they shockingly cute, but their relationship was really solid. Underneath the romance, there was a very upstanding friendship that none of us knew existed. We were all taken aback by their story and where it went. I may sound like I'm overselling here, but their relationship is going extremely well. Alicia even started to warm up to all of us. I knew she would come around eventually. She wasn't an angel, but she was decently nice when she wanted to be. Everything about their relationship was stunning at first, but it was working out well so far.

Last but certainly not least, there was me and Bertram. Putting all my cards on the table, I couldn't be happier with him. As cliche as I sound, it was the truth. All the trouble, anticipation, and build-up our relationship had obviously wasn't a bad sign. We were doing amazing, beyond amazing, indescribably amazing. I could really talk about him and us forever. To sum it up, I was in a breathtaking relationship that was worth the wait.

For a while, I was stuck in my own head. I made a massive situation out of nothing. I created not only unreal but unnecessary, tension and jealousy between me and my friends. I thought I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but the choice couldn't have been more clear.

Author's Note: Chapter 21! THE LAST CHAPTER!!! I know it is short, but I didn't have that much more to say. The adorable love story between Nancy and Bertram is over!! Thank you to everyone who has read this and been on this adventure with me! I love each and every one of you so much!! ❤️❤️
I hope you enjoyed the last chapter!!! 😊❤️
For the final time, I proofread but if you discover any typos please let me know!! 👍

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