Chapter 19

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June's POV

To be honest, I thought the sleepover at Benny's was a great idea. Right now, I was willing to take any opportunity to get out of my house. This could also be exactly what I need to get out of my slump. It could be perfect.

The weekend rolled around quickly, it was kind of shocking how fast it came. Ham asked if he could bring Alicia to the sleepover and we all said yes. Benny made us keep our promise of giving her a fair chance. Maybe she was really nice, I just didn't know what to expect from her. Her first impression wasn't great, so I didn't have high hopes.

Smalls met up with me and Nancy, then we all walked over to Benny's house. Being out of my own house was refreshing. I felt like I was living in a prison, or some other unbearable place. I could ramble on forever, but I don't think I need to. My point has been made, my house was currently the farthest thing from a home.

Everyone else came within five minutes. Alicia kind of became the center of attention. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but it was happening. She quickly took a liking to me and Nancy, very different from when we met. Again, I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

Alicia was way nicer than the last time we talked to her. I wouldn't say she was a nice person, that's going a bit too far, but she wasn't the demon I thought she was. She still had a huge tone issue and every sentence that came out of her mouth had an underlying threat, but it was still an improvement. The standards weren't high to begin with, but I guess that only makes it is easier for her to get better. I know I'm complaining a lot, but she really was less of a bitch. I still didn't understand why Ham was dating her though. She wasn't the type of girl I would expect Ham to date, that was a nice way to say it.

Alicia didn't stick around long, she quickly went off to flirt with Ham. Nancy and I watched her walk away in confusion, and slightly judgmental, silence.
"Is it just me or is she still rude?" Nancy eventually asked.
"It's not you, she's still rude," I said. "I don't know why she's like that."
"I have two theories," she sounded like my science teacher. "Either that is her natural personality or she's jealous of us."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would she be jealous of us?"
"Maybe she thinks we're competition," she said. "So this is where liking the same guy your entire life hinders you?"
I nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. I don't really know what's going on."
She giggled. "You are both so good and so bad at dealing with romance." I couldn't deny that. According to Nance, I could give great relationship advice, but I couldn't explain one detail of Ham's love life. I guess I was just a weird love expert.

Not surprisingly, Nancy left me to talk to Bertram, but Benny took her place.
"How are doing?" He asked.
"I'm okay, I'm here with you and everyone else so that helps," I said.
"That was adorable," he smiled, nearly making himself laugh.
I elbowed his arm. "Shut up."
"You're making fun of me again," his smile grew. "I hate to say this, but I-"
I knew what he was going to say. "You missed it?"
"I did," he nodded slowly. "I did miss it."
"See, I knew you liked it when I teased you," I said.
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. "You sure you're gonna be okay?"
"Yes, I'll be fine," I told him for like the millionth time. "It'll just take some time."
He put his arm around me. "Of course it will, take as long as you need." He really was the best friend and boyfriend I could ask for. I don't know how I got so lucky.

Author's Note: Chapter 19!! Benny and June are just the cutest things ever 🥺
‼️Important note‼️ There will only be two more chapters of this fanfic. Sadly, it is coming to an end.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! 😊❤️
Just like normal, I proofread but if you find any typos please let me know! 👍

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