"- And he is here for work, he's fucking everywhere for work! He has probably been in New York for work when we have been there Harry, this wasn't planned."

"What happened then?"

"Nothing," I said firmly, our eyes locking as I watched him chew the inside of his mouth. "We had some drinks, got some food and then we both went our seperate ways."

"Then why do I feel like something happened between you two?" he asked, sounding exasperated.

"Maybe you wanted something to happen between the two of us to offset your guilt about you and Camille," I said bitterly, and by the sad look that appeared on his face, I knew I was right.

"Nothing happened between Camille and me."

"But you wanted it to, right?"

"No, fuck, I don't know Anna," he said, running a hand through his hair, his rings standing out against the mousey tones of his hair.

"Then what do you know Harry?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat and I felt tears form in my eyes.

God I hate crying, I have always hated crying. Lauren was always the one to cry, whereas I would just stay silent if I was upset, which always bothered me because I never knew how to let people know I was upset, which would result in me getting more upset.

Maybe Harry and me are more alike than I thought.

"I know that I love you, and I am sorry for what happened," he said and I felt the tears leave my eyes. "Oh baby, why are you crying?"

"Because I shouldn't be forgiving you Harry, but I am, and I love you," I said through my tears and Harry immediately stood up and rushed over to me, wrapping his arms around me as I sobbed into his chest, keeping my arms firmly by my side.

I cried into him as he hugged me tightly, the feeling strangely comforting, even though he was the person I am crying about.

"You are my golden girl Anna, and I will spend forever making this up to you," he said, his chin resting on my head and I reluctantly wrapped my arms around Harry, feeling him instantly relax against me. "I love you, god I am so sorry."

I didn't say anything, I didn't really know what to say. I hated that although he didn't cheat, it felt like he did.

"Do you want to stay together?" Harry asked gently and I nodded against his chest and I could have swear I heard him sob, but if he was crying he never let me know about it.

Before either of us could say anything more, I felt my phone buzzing in my back pocket, which meant that Ruby was calling me from downstairs with James and Isaac.

"That's Rubes, I have to go," I said breaking out of the hug, looking up at Harry to see a worried look on his face. "I will see you at the show, H."

"Okay Anna, have fun."

I nodded awkwardly  before grabbing my bag off the kitchen table and hurrying out of the hotel room without a second glance at Harry, making my way to the lift, and heading downstairs alone.

By the look on their faces, I could tell Ruby had filled in Isaac and James on the drama, but after my chat with Harry, I was in no mood to talk to anyone about it.

Anna: Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now