A couple guys being dudes

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No matter how hard he tried Nico wasn't going down fast enough to grab one of wills flailing limbs. Unlike Nico's shadow travel, Jason's control of the winds and Percy's control of the water below Will couldn't save himself this time and was relying on Nico.

'Uuuurgh I wish that idiot in spandex hadn't tried to save me.'

After another twenty seconds of plunging through the air as fast as he could Nico felt one of Wills hands bunch up some of his skull t-shirt he let out a sigh of relief and clung to will till they were both wrapped together.

Just a couple more stories till they were in the tree shadows.


A rope like but strangely sticky thing had intwined Nico and Will together in order to swing them all the way back up to the roof top where 'the avengers' Chiron had told them about were waiting for them.

Chiron had warned them the avengers would hand them over to S.H.E.I.L.D who had experimented on demigod before and when they didn't give any information with there lips or DNA they were 'disposed of' which none of the demigods liked. That was why they were so obviously on the roof, they figured if they (the only people S.H.E.I.L.D suspected of having powers Percy more so than the others) were presumed dead they wouldn't be followed to camp and discovered.

How Chiron knew this was beyond them ,the old centaur always seemed to know more than all the other campers combined not that this was terribly surprising given his age.

'Annnnnd now we've gone and gotten captured by the people we did this to avoid.... Great, just my luck'

It was to all parties involved collective surprise ,when Nico and Will were placed back on the roof edge by someone who looked like a kid in a spider costume, 'Spider kid?' and Tony-freaking-Stark ,world class menace, brought them into a hug and was soon joined by America-flag-man and the spider-boy.

"Ummmmm Mr Stark Sir."

"Oh god kid even after I adopted you?" He groaned 

"Sorry Mr-ugh Tony-ummmm Dad?"

Tony nodded, grinning "yes peeeeety boi?"

Peter blushed "wasn't there supposed to be four kids that they saw up here?"

Tony's face darkened considerably 'oh shoot maybe he does care' "I'm sorry kid the other two took a nose dive before you showed up."

Peter face fell "Argh this is all my fault, if only I got here earlier they wouldn't have to die!"

Nico shouldn't have found it so funny but once he started laughing he couldn't stop, and Will was soon joining him both from the ridiculousness of the situation and at how happy his boyfriend now was.

They were quite a sight, shaking with laughter Nicos head buried in wills shoulder and white sticky stuff (oh god 😳 I mean the spider web)  binding them together.

"S-sorry sir" Will managed gasping though tears of joy "It's been a long day."

"Yes-" said mr I-love-America-a-bit-to-much man sceptically "aaaaaanyway, Tony lets get them away from the edge.

So Nico and Will ended up crab walking sideways towards the centre of the roof were a very cross looking woman stood.

Everyone else's expressions seemed to read " oh no here we go again"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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