A couple of dudes being guys

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*warning contains mention of suicide, if your uncomfortable please leave*  


'Great so now the avengers are being dragged out for mild acts of terrorism. Not that to others seemed to mind, after all we hadn't had much to do for months on end now' ,Tony thought,

'Still a couple teenagers could be handled by the police there had to be more to it that Fury wasn't telling us.'

Tony, Steve, Natasha and Clint approached the high rise housing buildings rooftop from the air -on stark industries newest models of the 'hover bikes' not that they were really hovering anymore being 50ft in the air- as they got closer they could see the silhouettes of four far off figures.

"Let's get on that roof, block the exit and try and negotiate a peaceful surrender on there part before the pick up crew arrive.theres no where for them to go so try not to let them realise that." Nat voice buzzed in the intercom. Followed by the terse reply of 'Rodger that.' From Steve and the chirp of 'Sure Nat!' from Clint.

They landed not a minute later thanks to the 'absolutely fantastically brilliant new age FuNkY technology' Peter Stark and Tony Stark had been working on.

-yes peters his kid NO STARKER PLEZZZZZ 😭🙏-

As soon as they were down nat was moving between the teenagers and the stairs down from the roof not bothering to size them up ,minus the cursory glance, until her first objective was fulfilled.

Tony however took a good long look at the four boys, they had all turned swiftly to face the incoming party despite the silent engines and quiet footed party and looked a little troubled- although not overly surprised.


The tallest of the party was a muscular blonde with close cropped hair -save a strip that almost looked like it had been shot off with a narrowly missed bullet of some sort?- sky blue eyes and a powerful stance like he was a leader at a charge to battle, proud but stable, the sort of a person to look to for guidance.

The second tallest was also blonde ,but a much sandier colour, he had a tan and striking bright blue eyes. He was much skinnier than the first blonde but not without muscles. He also seemed much more chill than this first kid.

The third tallest had black windswept hair, sea green eyes and a light tan. He was also extremely muscular though it was debatable wether he was stronger than the first boy or not as he seemed to be a skinnier build. He had an air that basically screamed 'here we go again' and 'dam when can I get a break'.

The shortest kid had dark shattered eyes that were brown-so-dark-it-was-almost-black and some hair that was brown-so-dark-it-was-almost-black to match. He looked soooo done it was untrue especially since the sandy blonde was using him as an arm rest.

Nat spoke in a whisper through the comms "Alright, you need to move slowly across the roof into talking range, okay?"

Tony lifted up his visor as he, Clint and Steve began walking over with there hands up to signal peace.

"Alright you four we come in peace, we just want to talk." They stopped when they were about two meters away from the kids who it was now clear were right on the edge of the building just one step back would be the end for them.

The tall blonde that Tony now remembered as Jason said "if your not here for a fight what do you want then?"

"We want you to come with us." Came Steve's reply.

"Wha- why!?" Asked one who Tony was pretty sure was Peter Johnson


"Ya.... NO." The one who might have been Nina or Niki or Nimbus or something chuckled "no way in hell *heh* hell."

The taller blonde kid elbowed him but said "Ya Neeks is right there's no way we're going with you guys."

"Not willingly!"

"You heard them" whispered Nat into the comm "we tried asking nicely now hold them down until the pick up crew get here, it shouldn't be long now but we can't have them escaping or blowing up another building like they did with there schools and that bus and the bridge on the Grand Canyon."

Steve and Tony locked eyes and nodded before lunging one to the right and one to the left Steve grabbed Jason's arm in his vice like grip while Tony grabbed both of Nico's wrists.

Meanwhile the teenagers weren't struggling they just seemed to be having a silent conversation.

'Damn these teenagers aren't dangerous they just seem tired what are we the avengers even doing in being here'

It was at that moment Percy grabbed Jason's hand off of Steve while his guard was down.

They both stumbled backwards shoulder to shoulder until they were teetering on the edge.

"Sorry but we aren't going anywhere with you!"

"Wait! Kid were not gonna hurt you come here!"

"Get away from the edge!"

Steve lunged forward again in the hope of catching the boys but his hand just narrowly missed Jason's as the kid slipped off the roof and started plummeting through the air with Percy whooping and grinning there eyes open with joy on there faces like they weren't plummeting to there deaths.




And the avengers stood there for a moment there faces frozen in horror.


As the three of them ran to the edge of the building they couldn't see the boys anymore just the gleaming reflection of the pool far bellow.

Tony turned to the other two boys one of whom looked neutral with a small smirk and the other who looked like Peter ,as in like he had just swallowed a frog, he recognised it as the 'I'm trying so hard not to laugh right now' face. Tony frowned at this there friends had just committed suicide... Hadn't they?

"Listen you two, please just come with us don't do anything rash, okay!"

"So long suckers!" Will joined his friends off the roof and Nico tried to exept this time Steve snagged his arm, now Nico looked genuinely distressed and he yelled "No! I need to shadow travel him out of there!" Before head butting Steve with the back of his head hard and then kicking him in the chest and toppling off of the edge of the roof.

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