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"Here's what we know," Hermione had the slightly manic expression that was usually associated with exam revision, "They've stopped flooing in and out of the Ministry directly through the home fireplaces, even for the most senior members. So, everyone needs to use one of the three public entrances."

"And we just need to get a hold of any two of them to get in. Granger we've been over this," Snape's voice was a tad bit exasperated as he heard her repeat the same things again and again, in stressed mutterances. "I'll try not to go for the highest-ranking officers but we have to make do with what we get. And for God's sake, I thought you said you've done this before!"

"Yes but I told you they've updated the security system since the last time Harry, Ron and I broke in. I daresay, we ourselves contributed to it...Now new protocols have been put in place in case of the use of polyjuice potion or any such transformative charms for infiltrating the headquarters." she accentuated, "As soon as we step inside, they're gonna know."

"And we have adjusted our plans accordingly, haven't we? What have we been doing here, encamped and hatching these plans since morning for?" he asked, "We are prepared for things to go wrong anyways."

"I don't know...We are taking a huge risk and we're leaving an awful lot of it on chance-"

"Don't worry, it will work out just fine. I'll make sure no harm comes to you." Snape said, which made Hermione gaze up at his face; he was maintaining his cool but she could tell he was a little tensed too, but she didn't know it was entirely for her safety. He was looking around the corner, keeping out a watchful eye. "Why don't you do me a favour and come over here. You need to point out our potential targets."

She crossed the tiny alley they were hiding in, to go over to the fence near which he was standing, peeping out through a little gap and looked over. Little more than a minute later, she spotted an unsuspecting woman in her mid-thirties saunter about the pavement, eager to start her shift at work. "Allright, that's Evangeline Merryweather. I know her, although she works at a different department-"

"Which department?"

"A different one. Who cares? Grab her!"

Snape blinked with surprise at her bossiness but wasted no time in subtly Stunning her. It was nighttime and the road was pretty much deserted so they weren't seen by anyone and they carried her to their hideout where they pulled out a few of her hair. Hermione swallowed the potion and as her body started changing, she transfigured her clothes to look like hers as well. She fished through her purse and found some spare tokens to pass through the gates. Then she placed a little vial under Evangeline's nose, smelling which, she started twitching and when they saw she was about to regain consciousness, they quickly apparated to the other place.

There, Hermione pointed out another man who would serve as Snape's disguise. He was significantly more difficult to tackle but after they had managed to subdue him, they had to wipe his memory as well. Then Snape drank the potion laced with his hair folicles and slowly started turning into the wiry middle-aged man with a mustache and pointy beard. Then he repeated the same process as their other victim.

"Okay, this is Reginald Hardholmes. He works at the Magical Maintenance department." Hermione informed, pulling out his ID. "I've seen him around...he's got a high level security clearance. So if we find ourselves in a sticky spot you can get us out. Plus, his character somewhat matches yours- he's a pompous prat. If anyone engages you in conversation, try to recall the most colourful profanities in your vocabulary and simply let them have it."

"Charming," Snape said, "Let's go."

With the first phase of their plan working out without much ado, they stepped out into the pavement and walked into the public restroom beside a crowded tube-station. They parted ways and joined their respective queues marked as 'Gentlemen' and 'Ladies' and before walking into their individual cubicles, Hermione looked over the heads to glimpse at Snape, who turned his head towards her as well and gave a nod.

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