That's Her?!

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Benny's POV~
DeNunez throws the pitch and then Crack! The ball goes flying. I see the boy from last week facing the fence.

"WATCH OUT!" Ham yells.

The boy gets hit in head the with the ball and falls over. Everyone starts laughing except for me while he tries to get the ball. "Okay. I'll get it!" He tells us. He slowly gets the ball. The guys are rushing him though. He finally get the ball, but doesn't throw it yet.

"We are waiting!" yelled Squints. He gets in a weird and awkward position and throws the ball. It barely goes far. The guys laugh at him and he runs off embarrassed. Once the boys calm down, we all notice a girl walking onto the field. She was wearing a plain white shirt with some overalls, black Doc Martins, and a black flannel tied around her waist with her curly hair down. Calling her pretty was an understatement. No, she was beautiful.

Ashley's POV~

"Kenny!" I yelled

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"Kenny!" I yelled. All heads turn to me as I walk over to my twin brother. Kenny looks over at me.

"What?" He asked.

"Mom needs you for something." I tell him. The other boys walk over to us, eyes still on me.

"She needs me now?" He asked. I nod and look away from him. "You're lying." I look back him.

"No I am not." I say.

"Yes you are."

"How do you know?"

"Whenever you lie, you look away." I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. "Damn it." I mumble.

"Now, what do you really want?" Kenny asked.

"You know what." I tell him. He looks away then back at me. "Ash, you know you cant."

"Why not?" I ask.

"Who's this DeNunez? You girlfriend?" We both looked over at the boy with glasses and both gaged.

"Heck No!" Kenny said. "This is my twin sister." He corrected.

"That's Her?!" They all asked. Kenny just nodded.

"Ash, this is Ham, Squints, Yeah-Yeah, Timmy, Repeat, Bertram, and Benny." They all spit on the ground when they got introduced.

"Guys, this is my twin, Ashley." For the heck of it, I spit on the ground too. Before Kenny could send me back home, I asked the boys the question I so desperately wanted a yes to.

"Can I play with you guys?" I ask. All their eyes went wide, except for Kenny and Benny's.

"Can you what?" Squints asked.

"Can I play with you guys?" I asked again.

"You cant play." Ham assumed. Kenny sucked in some air. "Now you've done it." Kenny said.

"What do you mean 'I can't play'?" I asked, with a little attitude.

"Isn't it obvious? You're a girl." Ham said. My eyes went wide and Kenny covered his face with his hat.

"So I can't play because of my gender?" I scoff. They just nod, except for Benny and Kenny. That pissed my off. I looked around the field till I found where that bat was. I walk over to it and get into batting position and do a few practice swings.

"What is she doing?" I hear Bertram ask Kenny. Kenny just sigh and walks over to his position. "If I were you, I would base up." Kenny said. The boys got into their positions.

"You're never gonna hit it." Ham tells me. I just roll my eyes.

"Kenny. Heater." The boys laugh at me while Kenny just nods. Kenny winds up, throws the pitch, the Crack! I take off running. I get to first base. Then second. Then third. But before I can get to fourth, I get into a pickle. I go back and fourth until I finally get an opening and slide into home base.

I get up from the ground and dust off my clothes. I look up at the boys and they just stare at me, mouths hanging open.

"Now, I'm gonna ask you again. Can I play with you guys?" I ask.

"Yes!" They all yell.

"Great." I drop the bat on the ground and walk off the field.

"Where are you going?" Kenny asks.

"Home! I'll play tomorrow. I've got a new vinyl to listen to." I tell him as I walk away.


"Be home before dark!" I remind him.


Just as I'm about to leave earshot, I hear Kenny tell them, "I told you guys you should let her play." I smile and continue my way home.

One Of A Kind{DeNunez Twin Sister x Benny Rodriguez}Where stories live. Discover now