Chapter Five - The plan

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Nightmare POV (Bet you didn't expect that)

Ink walked over to us, still dragging Blue behind him. We got in a circle and Ink leaned in. He whispered to us,

"Error get dressed in a maid's dress and do the Macarena." Ink said, laughing.

"I am not doing that!" Error yelled. We all snickered.

"I'm just kidding, Here's the actual plan." Ink said.

"So Error your going to use your strings as like you know, Banners?" Ink said. I looked over at Error and he looked like he was thinking.

"Ok, but you owe me Kiki" 'Kiki? Did they make nicknames for each other? Pfttt' My mind wandered over to Dream. 'Dreamy? Sunlight? Queen~? No he may not like you like that, no less marry you!' *Snap* *Snap* I saw a hand in front of my face, I soon realized it was Inks. 'How long did I zone out?'

"Nightmare, are you listening to what I was saying?" I heard Ink say.

"Pfttt yea totally" I replied thinking he bought my lie.

"Haha very funny. Anyway as I was saying, Error is in charge of the banners."

"What are the rest of the bad guys going to be doing?" I heard Horror ask.

"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!" Ink shouted while putting on his scary face. The guys looked spooked. Me and Error snickered, and Blue looked chill, like this was normal.

"Alright as I was saying, the bad guys will be in charge of the music and decor. I hope I can trust you to make the decor yellow and white right?" Ink said to my team.

"Me and Blue will be in charge of food" Ink then turned to me.

"And Nightmare, you will be in charge of confessing to him. I hope you can handle that?" I started blushing a bright teal.

"I uhhh-Yea?"

"Alright meet me where we planned tomorrow" Ink said then jumped into a puddle, pulling Blue in with him. Then Error opened a portal to the base.

"Get in losers." He said before kicking my team through. Error got out of the way and let me walk through.

{A/N} What AU was it? You will find out next chapter!

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