They Were like us...

Comenzar desde el principio

"Umm...You mean the place where our president used to live at?" A.J asks if he got it right.

"That's right, A.J. Maybe if we get the chance, we can try and visit the White House. See if we can get into the Oval Office. Would you like that?" I ask him.

"I guess..." He says, frowning at the ground.

"What's the matter, goofball?" I say, kneeling to his level, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Are we gonna end up like those monsters over there?" He asks. I went wide eyed and said.

"No, of course not, A.J. Why would you say something like that?" I asked him.

"Because we've got no food and there maybe nothing here. We have been on the road for so long, that we haven't found one place that has worked for us." A.J said. I then sighed and put both of my hands on his shoulders.

"Listen. It's been tough, being on this road we've been traveling on. I'll admit, at some points...I never thought that we'd never make it. But if you let go of any could be there the whole time and you would't know it was there, before you lose yourself. You understand what I'm saying?" I asked him. He thinks for a moment and says.

"Yeah, I think." He says.

"Good. Now, let's see what Clem is up too." I Said, taking off the hat and rubbing his short hair. He gets annoyed and snatched the hat from me as I chuckled a little. We walk over to Clem, who was looking through the ticket booth. She turns to look at us.

"So what's our options to getting through that door?" I ask her.

"Well, there's the key, which that's not gonna happen. Then there's the ticket booth here, which I can't fit in and neither can you." She explained.

"We should kill the monsters. They're not people." A.J suggests.

"They were people. And as people, they asked to be left alone." Clem Says.

"But their not here to care if we kill them and take the key." A.J Says.

"A.J." I say as he turns to me. "Do you remember that story I told you? About that man before he became a walker?"

"Yeah. You said they used to be like us, at the end of the story." He answered.

"So would you want someone to come and kill you, just to find very little?" I asked him. He shakes his head.

"Exactly. So A.J, we need you to do this for us. Go through the booth and head straight for the door. Can you do that?" Clem asks.

"I can do it. I'm brave." A.J Says confidentially. He goes to the booth window and try's to climb up it but he's too short.

(Did you kill the walkers or sent him through the booth window?)

"I'll help you." I say. I pick him up by his waist and lifted him up to the window to climb through. He goes in and looks around the room for a bit before walking to the door. I stood back next to Clem.

"Your a great father to him, you know?" Clem Says.

"And your a great mother. A beautiful mother at that." I say, flirting with her.

TWDG: THE FINAL SEASON. (Clem x Male reader.) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora