Catching Dreams

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You woke up as the light from the sun hit your face. Last night was really tiring, who knew it would take so much effort to catch someone...You thought to yourself. Being in the Mafia is hard. Worst part is when you're on a mission and you fail. Last night you were so close on catching him...if only that car hadn't come in the way. "Oh well...Today is a new day! I will get him for sure!" You are a really confident and a outgoing person. Always taking care of the others in your group and always working hard. You were one of the best out there. Everyone knew that you had the potential to be the biggest and the baddest  mafia boss out there. You smiled to yourself, "One day my dream will come true. I will make it happen."You told yourself. With that you got ready and you joined the rest of the group and had breakfast.

Many hours passed by as you sat around making a new plan to catch the guy. It's been years since you've tried to catch him, but every time something happens and he gets away. Well not this time...You smiled to yourself as you looked and examined your plan. "...You've had me chasing you for years but the time has now come...Just wait and watch..." You spoke as you got ready to go out again. It was late at night, the stars were shining like never before. People gave you weird stares and glares as you made your way through the crowded city and crossed the street. You glared at them having a few look away. You sat down as you kept your eyes on the busy streets. And there he was, walking down the streets being cautious. His eyes landed on you.

He blasted off and took a run for it. Your lips formed into a smirk as you got up and began to chase him. He took a left path as you made your way up some buildings. You ran on the rooftop and chased him side to side. You looked ahead and ran a little faster and jumped. You jumped off of a eight story building and landed on the rooftop of another. Everything was going according to your plan. You glanced to the side and leaped down from the rooftop and on top of a big truck which was parked right underneath you. You slid off the front as the guy in the truck yelled at you. You saw him take the alley and you chased right after him right onto his tail again. He slowed down and came to a stop. He was blocked, he slowly turned around and pointed behind you. You looked behind you and saw, nothing. You turned back and he was gone.

You clenched your teeth together as you jumped on the garbage and jumped over the wall. You walked out of the alley as you knew you failed again. "Once again, he got away," You let out a frustrated sigh and kicked the pole. You ran your hand through your hair as you felt a tap on your shoulder. And there he was, standing right in front of you. His soul piercing eyes staring right into your eyes. You tried grabbing onto him but he was too fast. You ran after him getting closer and closer each second. You ran through the crowd keeping an close eye on him. Making sure to stay as close as possible and not to fall for his tricks anymore. He ran across the streets as you followed. "I've got you now!" You screamed and you quickened up your pace grabbing onto his arm. You slowly slowed down as you continued to hold onto him.

He came to a stop. "After've caught me." He spoke in a deep husky voice. You continued keeping a tight grip on him making sure that he wasn't going to run away again. He let out a chuckle as he slowly pointed behind you. "Not this time." You told him. He chuckled once more, "As you wish." With that he kicked you on the shin making you fall. And you turned behind and saw a bright flashing light.

Before you knew it you were hit. You understood why he was pointing behind you. People came rushing out to help you. You looked to the other side of the street and there he was, standing with a smirk across his lips. You saw him mouth some words. "I win...again."

I'll never be able to catch my dreams now...You thought to yourself. You laid there in the puddle of your own blood, starting to lose feeling in your body, and slowly closing your eyes as your breathing slowed down. You looked up at the night sky, and in less than seconds your vision was nothing but black.

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