Salvaging The Remains Part 58

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Deidara" I faint a smile.

"It's fine Til," Deidara sat next to me. There was a small silence between us and I couldn't help but think about how close I seemed to be with him.. considering I hadn't known him for all too long..

Were we close before I lost my memory perhaps? Deidara's voice snapped me from my thoughts.

"Konan's going to help you get ready for tonight, we should go and find her before it starts getting too late, yeah?" Deidara spoke softly.

I nodded, put my empty glass into the sink and followed Deidara up some stairs until we reached the top floor. As Deidara opened a big double door, located at the very end of the hall, I followed in behind him, looking around at the big room that appeared to be for meetings.

There was a girl with short blueish purple hair that I didn't recognise, Kakuzu, Kisame, Itachi and another boy that resembled Itachi that I hadn't met either.

"Oh Dei, I'm coming now. I was just finishing up here" the pretty girl stood up and walked over. The others went back to talking amongst themselves, except for the other boy I didn't recognise. He looked at me with those same cold eyes that felt all too familiar.


"Tila, my names Konan. We should go and get ready for tonight?" She smiled sweetly at me.

"Um sure, I went and got a Kimono with Kakuzu the other day. I'll have to show you how amazing it is" I said to Konan who nodded. Linking her arm with mine, she lead me back out the door.

The vibrancy I received from her, straight away, was so kind and warm. I couldn't help but to feel particularly safe and happy as we made our way back to my room.

"Okay, so I was thinking. While you take a shower I'll go and collect some things from my room and then we can both get ready together," Konan suggested.

"Sure, I'll hop in the shower now" I quickly grabbed my towel and heading for the bathroom, feeling a little excited.

"I'll be back in a moment" Konan said, I nodded and closed the bathroom door behind me.

While I took a shower I scrubbed every inch of my skin and lathered on some delicious smelling strawberry smelling scrub so when I got out and dried myself I felt squeaky clean. I combed out my long wet hair and then wrapped it in a towel so it could dry. Then went back into my bedroom, where, Konan had just finished setting up a whole bunch of makeup and hair products in front of the vanity mirror. Our Kimonos lay out on the bed.

"Wow, this is going to be fun" I gigged, stepping back out, towel still around me.

"I know, I can't wait. I haven't had a night out on a long time. I think we both deserve it after everything we've been through" she beamed, but, her smile faltered slightly.

"I mean.. I'm sorry Tila, It's just so hard to believe that you don't remember anything.." She said, sounding a little more down.

"It's fine Konan, we can just pretend that I remember!" Konan let out a chuckle, she plonked down onto my bed then held up my Kimono.

"You weren't lying when you said it was gorgeous" Konan looked at it in admiration.

"Yeah, I didn't even pick it out. Kakuzu did and I couldn't believe that he chose the most beautiful one" I told her, going over to my wardrobe and pulling out a singlet and shorts to put on.

"Your kidding, Kakuzu picked this?" She asked in astonishment.

"Mmm" I mumbled, slipping on some clothes and throwing my town across my bed.

"That's.. Interesting. I never knew Kakuzu had such good taste in woman's clothing" Konan said.

"Yeah, he seems very .. Scary" I told her. Konan stood up and walked over to the vanity table and gestured for me to sit down, so, I obliged.

"Kakuzu can be very.. Gruff at times but, deep down he cares." Konan explained. I watched as she picked up some foundation and started to put it onto a makeup sponge before applying it to my face. Soon enough, she had finished my make up and we'd swapped spots. I did hers.

"Wow, we're going to look pretty tonight" Konan tilted her face to both sides as she gazed into the mirror.

"I hope so, I think my hairs dry now" I unwrapped the towel from my head and casting it aside. I gave my head a little shake and all of my blonde hair fell bouncily down.

"So, how did you want to wear it?" Konan asked me.

"I have no idea.. What do you think I should do?" I replied, feeling a little unsure. Her face lit up.

"There was this one hairstyle that my mother showed me how to do when I was little. My hairs to short to do it but it would really suit you." Konan stood up and traded places with me again.

"Sure" I shrugged as I sat down. Konan picked up random strands off hair and began to braid them thinly, after she had finished a few separate ones at the top of my head she started to weave them together so that they were in a shape that resembled a flower at the midline of the back my head. She pinned it into place and then hair sprayed it so that it wouldn't come undone.

She held up a mirror at the back of my head as I laid eyes on the beautiful artwork she's made of my hair I awed. It looked like a massive flower brooch was pinning back the top of my hair so that my long locks fell beautiful down my back but the flower was made of braided hair.

"It's so beautiful, thankyou!" I stammered, standing to hug Konan really tight!

"It's alright, it's nothing really" Konan said, pulling out of the hug. I noticed she was blushing.

We both giggled a little and then Konan started doing her own hair, I asked her of she wanted me to do something but she said there wasn't much to do because it was so short. We both slipped our Kimonos on and by the time we were done the sun was close to setting outside.

"Tila, I just have to do a few things quickly before I leave but I'm going to ask Sasuke to take you down to the festival now" Konan told me and I gave her a curious look.

"Who's Sasuke?" I asked her and she sighed.

"Oh right. Its fine, I'll introduce you. I'm sure you'll get along with him fine so don't worry" Konan reassured.

"Yeah, I've met so many new people in the past few days that I'm starting to get the hang of it" I chuckled.

Konan gave a small smile and we both went back up to the meeting room. I waited outside the door while she went on to get Sasuke. I had a feeling I knew who she was talking about. That cold looking guy who resembles Itachi perhaps?

The door creaked open and low and behold, my suspicions were confirmed as a dark haired onyx eyed guy steps out and smirked at me.

Maybe I'm having second thoughts about this? I panicked as those cold eyes lay on me inducing involuntary shivers.

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