Episode 2: In Which Fletchling's Popcorn is Stolen

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Episode 2: In Which Fletchling's Popcorn is Stolen

~Lumiose City Pursuit!~


The golden flash of light suddenly caught everyone's attention. 

Ash blinked as a slip of paper floated down from mid-air and landed in his hands. He stared at it before Bonnie spoke, "Is that from Sky?"

"Probably." Serena responded. "Ash, go on and read it!"

"Okay. Let's see..." Ash looked over the letter and began reading. "'So you've watched the first episode. Congrats! Now, let me just say that things might begin to get confusing.'"

"Uh oh..." Bonnie said dazedly. 

Ash glanced at Bonnie before continuing. "'First off, I misjudged who would be involved in the seeing of your future. There are many more people and Pokemon who will be involved, so inviting just you four and your Pokemon from the beginning might have been a mistake.'" Ash paused. "Pokemon, too? You think she means Pokemon we'll catch in the future?"

Clemont frowned and adjusted his glasses. "Most likely. Though, I'm still intrigued as to why we need to watch our future in the first place. And as to who this 'Sky' is in the first place..." Clemont paused before continuing. "There's actually a lot of questions we don't have answered...keep reading, Ash."

Ash nodded and continued reading. "'I'll try to figure out how to work this out so people don't get confused, but just be warned that people(and Pokemon) might join the group at random, so you might have to explain everything that happened so far to them, so they don't get confused either.'" Ash furrowed his eyebrows and squinted his eyes. "Um...I'm confused..."

Pikachu frowned. "I second that. So, in summary, this place is completely unpredictable and we might have things happen at the most random times? And people and Pokemon might also randomly appear?" The small mouse shook his head. "This is insane. Exactly how many episodes are we going to watch, anyway?"

"I don't think we'll know. Unless, you know, Sky gives us an answer." Fennekin said.

Ash frowned and continued reading. "Man, this letter is long...Okay, let's see...'On another note, I have added subtitles to what the Pokemon are saying so everyone aside from the Pokemon can understand what is being said as well.' Oh, that's great! Now we can understand you guys!" Ash turned to the Pokemon, eyes sparkling. 

Fennekin flicked her bushy tail. "This Sky is very disorganized. So, people or pokemon might just randomly drop in at any time? Who do you think might be the first lucky guests? Team Rocket?"

"Arceus, I hope not..."  Fletchling muttered under his breath, and his two teammates muttered in agreement. 

"'So, ignoring all the crazy info-dumping I just gave you...on with Episode Two! -Sky'" Ash folded up the letter and put it in his pocket. "Well, I guess we start now."

The group exchanged looked before Fletchling sighed and turned to the screen, prompting everyone else to follow. "Here we go again..."

"AH!" Serena screamed as she was shown in her Racing Jumpsuit on top of a Rhyhorn.

Everyone in the room jumped as Serena groaned and put her head in her hands. 'This is too embarrassing...'

"...why is the episode starting on what Serena is doing? Why can't it continue from that cliffhanger?" Fletchling chirped.

Froakie shot the bird a look. "Are you serious about this? Our lives aren't an anime, you know."

Ash frowned as he contemplated that for a second. "Really? It kind of feels like an anime now..."

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