Prologue: In Which Confusion Happens

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"Well...that happened." Ash blinked twice, taking in the surrounding area with confusion. Pikachu, who was just as confused as he was, nodded. 

Wasn't he just in his bedroom contemplating his loss against Viola, the Santalune City Gym Leader? 

He had just been getting ready to go to sleep so he could wake up early to face-off again against Viola the next day, and then he was suddenly in this large room that looked similar to a movie theater. After taking another look around, he had realized, that this was in fact a movie theater.

"Weird..." He muttered. He checked his belt to see two Poke-balls holding both Froakie and Fletchling. He grabbed the both of them and threw them into the air in a grand gesture. "Alright you two, come on out!"

Two bright flashes of light and Froakie and Fletchling both popped out, both looking just as confused as Ash and Pikachu. 

"Ash? What's going on?" Froakie asked. 

"Yeah. Where are we?" Fletchling added.

"Hey, you two. Honestly, I have no idea where we are so..." Ash did a double-take. Did he just understand both of his Pokemon perfectly? Down to the exact word? How? His eyes widened as he looked down at his three Pokemon, who appeared to be sharing the same sentiments. 

"Well," Fletchling hesitated. "I think whatever weird situation we're now in just got weirder..."

Ash murmured in agreement. Still in shock at his new ability to fully understand Pokemon speech. 

The group was then caught off guard by a group of flashing golden lights that made a noise similar to popping. 

Ash simply stared as Serena, Clemont and Bonnie appeared. 

Bonnie blinked so fast she looked almost like a cartoon for a feint second. "What just happened?"

Ash shook his head. "Honestly, I have no idea...I was in my room and then I appeared here..."

Clemont frowned. "That's impossible." 

"Maybe we were teleported here." Dedenne suggested. 

Everyone stared at the small fairy type. 

"Oh, yeah." Ash muttered. "We can apparently understand Pokemon speech."

Serena nodded and began slowly, "Continuing off from what Dedenne said...if we were teleported here, then who would've done it, and why?"

Another two bright flashes of light blinded the group as both Bunnelby and Fennekin popped out of their Poke-balls, both about to open their mouth to speak, but Pikachu interrupted them.

"Before you say anything: we all suddenly appeared in this empty movie theater, somehow the language barrier has been broken, and..." Pikachu shrugged. "That's pretty much the gist of it..."

Fennekin and Bunnelby exchanged incredulous looks. 

Then yet another flash of light blinded everyone.

"How many times is that going to happen already?" Serena asked, mildly annoyed.

Bonnie shrugged as she looked over to the direction where the light came from, and spotted something on one of the counters in the back of the room. "Hey, look! We've got mail!"

The three teenagers stared as Bonnie ran up to the counter and ran back, holding a manila envelope in her hands. Without waiting for an okay, she tore it open.

"Bonnie-" Clemont was about to protest, when Bonnie began to read. 

"'Dear, Ash, Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, and Pokemon: You have been gathered here to this room to watch your future in the form of an anime-oh that's cool-as well as how this group has met. You are unable to leave this room, but snacks and water are provided in the kitchen, as well as other rooms in the building that have been converted to bedrooms for every one of you. Hey, that's awesome! Well...minus the not being allowed to leave the room part..." Bonnie paused, then finished up reading the short letter. "Any questions you have will be answered soon enough, so please be patient. All I can say, is that right now it is very important that you watch these videos, so please do not delay. Thank you, S.K.Y'"

Clemont furrowed his eyebrows. "S.K.Y? Who's that?"

Serena shrugged. "We have no way of knowing." She paused. "I guess we'll have to stay here and watch this thing, I suppose. Though, I'm just going to call this mysterious person, 'Sky' for short..."

Ash nodded, then a look of dismay passed through his face. "Wait, I'm going to battle at the gym tomorrow! I don't have time to do this!" 

Another flash of light, and a slip of paper fell down from the ceiling and floated gently into Ash's hands, who looked befuddles. "Okay, how many times is this Sky going to do that...Let's see...Don't worry. Time has been frozen outside of this room, so you can stay here and you will miss nothing in the outside world. -Sky. Well, that's convenient."

The group exchanged unsure glances before Clemont finally spoke up. "Should we get started...?"

Bonnie yawned. "I don't know. I'm kinda tired...maybe tomorrow? Sky did say that there are rooms for us to sleep in temporarily."

The group looked between one another before everyone nodded.

"Alright then. I guess we begin tomorrow." Ash declared, slightly unsure. 

And with that, they went to bed, growing nervous of what they would be going into the next day. 

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