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I took my champagne with me easily putting in my finger to dip the nailpaint that had roofie. While we were walking to wherever he was taking me, his hand suddenly went to my thighs and pulled out the knife I hid

"Still feisty kitten?" He sneared as he threw it away

We entered a meeting room , he had a projector on which showed Lee's men with their signature tattoo killing our people

"Now you trust me?" He whispered against my ear
"To be honest I'm kinda sad you thought I'll do this to get your attention" he continued

"Well after you fucked me over I don't think you still have the privilege to get butthurt over me not trusting you"

"I had to do it kitten" he said, this time it almost seemed genuine

I stared at him, trying to decipher his words, his face, his gaze. I could only see remorse but I refused to believe it's true.

With a fluent motion he pulled me to himself, his one hand on my waist and other on my shoulder holding me straight. I held up my champagne glass to his chest, he took it saying, "If this is the only taste of you I'll get tonight, I'll take it"

I bit my lip, seeing him this close to me, his eyes, the small mole on his nose, and his cute little lips which bent so delicately over the champagne flute. I wanted to bite his neck which was never this clear when we were together, it always had bite marks or hickeys.

I felt his hand going loose and held him up making him sit on a chair, he was out but still have enough conscious to talk.

"I love you y/n" he spoke suddenly

"Yeah you sure do" I replied sarcastically

I saw tears in his eyes. Did I just make a mafia leader cry? Seeing him like this hurt though. I gave this man everything I had, he made me put my guard down and love him but still betrayed me. I hated him with all my heart but this still hurt. We need to have a serious convo as to why you're so hurt y/n.
"Why'd you do it Tae'' my voice broke as I said it

"I had to, he was gonna kill yo-"


With that he was gone, sleeping like a baby but who was gonna kill who?

Underworld || 21+ Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now