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Tonight was just as regular as every night for Namjoon, at the other side of the his bedroom door in the living room was his adoptive family arguing like what they do almost everyday. There has been some time since they started doing this and ever since then Namjoon was always the one to solve the arguments, stressful right?. He had sort of gotten used to it but as much as he thought so tonight was different.

Namjoon POV
As I was in the middle of reading a book I could hear my family arguing something about Taehyung I dont know, but I couldn't help but feel frustrated knowing I had to solve this problem or else I won't sleep, but I just can't help but feel angry knowing I have to do this almost most of my life. They should be solving my problems not the way round but its not like they care anyways, I sighed as I exited my room on my way to the living room.

"Its all because of this son of bitch!"my mother yelled " Don't say such bullshit about my son" my father yelled back " yes, you can't call me that and besides its not my fault" tae said " not your fault my ass.. shut up Taehyung" Soekjin yelled too, and that's when I butted in "ok that's enough.. whats the problem this time" I said in an exhausted tone 'cause truth be told I was. " joonie hyung tell soekjin hyung that I never took his school papers.. he is accusing of doing it" tae said "you brat that's not true who else in this goddamn house would do that except for you!" jin said to Taehyung " ok enough i-" I was interrupted by my mother " what do you mean enough hm? this brat needs to be taught a lesson so stay out of this Namjoon and know your place" my mother said and with that I snapped. " what the fuck is that supposed to mean.. you want me to stay out of this when we all know that if I don't intrude this shit would get worse, do you think I even want to be part of your shitty arguments and solve then no- you know what.. I will stay out and know my place just like what you want" and with that I went for the door and went outside and started running. Whilst running I could hear people calling me and telling me to come back, huh over mt dead body. I didn't stop running until I didn't hear the voices. With that I started walking a little exhausted. As I kept walking I realised I was at a place I was unfamiliar with, I was planning on stopping by at Yoongi's place but I don't know my way there because of being lost

I started walking mindlessly still mad about what happened. I spotted a bench on the street side and decided to rest there, my body started shivering because of the cold, why wouldn't i be 'cause right now I was just wearing sweatpants and a black t- shirt. I couldn't help but think about what my mom said, "stay out of this.. know your place" I scoffed to myself. I would've done that if I wanted to but I didn't want to have a sleepless night or spend the whole day comforting a beaten up Taehyung, yes they go as far as to beat him if he's in the wrong and so on. That's how strict they are.

Third person POV
Namjoon couldn't help but wish that they were the ones solving his problems and comforting him not the other ways backwards, he sighs to himself knowing that was impossible because to his family he is more like a business deal, he had everything he wanted a home, clothes, money, cars, education anything you can imagine as long as he takes the title of President to the family company... simple right? not really 'cause Namjoon wanted love from his adoptive parents but they never gave him that but he did get love from his brothers and friends which was enough for him.

As he kept thinking about this his body was getting more cold and he was tired and sleepy not after that much time he passed out on the bench.

Third person POV
Namjoon woke up and found himself lying in a bed in an unfamiliar room. He started to think about how the hell he even got here.. he remembers runnig from home.. fuming, sitting on a bench and nothing maybe he passed out and someone found him and brought him to his house?, sounds logical he thought. Being the curious person he is he decided to go and meet the person who helped him and wanting to thank him for yesterday.

Namjoon POV
When I exited the room I saw I staircase which I thought would lead to the living and with that I walked down the stairs and heard the sound of sizzling and the smell of fresh pancakes which means someone is cooking. As i exited the staircase and entered the living room and i then saw the kitchen which seemed to be connected with the living room and saw a pot on the stove but something else caught my eyes which turned out to be a person, he had a muscular body with black raven hair and doe eyes. To say that I wasn't attracted to this person would be an understatement because in front of me is a beauty, I haven't seen anyone this beautiful before well sort of because Taehyung was also beautiful too so was jin hyung, Yoongi , hobi, and jimin. Namjoon didnt notice he was staring until he heard of someone clearing their throat" oh your awake?" the boy said" oh.. um yeah.. My name is Kim Namjoon and thank you for helping me last night I don't know what I would've done without you" I said with a smile with my dimples on display, I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink, 'cute' I think " um.. no problem I was just passing by when I saw you on the bench.. you looked vulnerable so I couldn't leave you there and then I brought you here no biggie" he says with a toothy smile which reminded me of a bunny. " are you sure?.. was I not heavy when you carried me... did you carry me or.." I said not knowing what to say " yes I did... u were pretty heavy but its fine though at least you're alright" he says with a smile... but I couldn't leave it like this, that's not the kind of person I was. I had to do something to repay him with" would you like some breakfast" he interrupts my thoughts with that question" um.. yeah sure I am pretty hungry, thank you uh.." I said not knowing what to call him " Jungkook.. Jeon Jungkook"


Flashback to last night at Namjoon's house

Third person POV
After Namjoon's outburst he left the whole manor in shock and panic. When he left the door in a flash of a second eveyone was at the door calling for Namjoon to come back but he ignored them and kept running until he was out of sight.

Sometime after he left Soekjin and his parents were doing their best to find Namjoon and hired a search around the whole city whilst Taehyung was in his room crying

Taehyung POV
Its been a while since Namjoon hyung left and I am stressed out, I cant help but think its my fault he left because what he said is true. Ever since we started arguing he would always solve the problem and he was stressed out and he probably unleashed his anger, hyung rarely gets angry but when it does its one hell of a shitstorm. I sighed as my head started to ache because of crying for a long time. I heard my father shout something and saying he can't afford to lose an important asset, that angered me because he was obviously referring to joonie hyung as an asset.. That's all he is to father but he is more than that... he is my hyung and I love him so much. Despite the rough patches we've been going through he still takes care of me and I love that, I can't help but feel my hurt pang knowing he is gone. I want to see his beautiful smile and his dimples, I want to hold him again and let him tell me that everything is ok... I miss him so much.

... Why do I feel like this?

I heard my door being knocked and heard some sniffling. I opened the door and saw my best friend Jimin not in the best state, he had bloodshot eyes, pink nose, swollen lips and pink cheeks. He was crying. "T-tae" he said to me with a weak voice "w- were is Joonie hyung?" he asked which shocked me "How did you know" I asked "jin hyung called Yoongi hyung asking him if Namjoon was with him and he said no which made him tell the rest of us" he tells and he continues crying saying he wants Namjoon back. Jimin looked so vulnerable, so me being the best friend I am, I comforted him with a hug and led him to my bed and cuddled him and we started crying together hoping our hyung will come back to us. To me.


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