I heard the bell ring above me as I packed up my things, shutting off my computer and grabbing my bag to leave. I was ready to give Sam a call and see if she was okay considering she hadn't given me much over our text convo.

I made it to the parking lot before I dialed her, hearing it ring about four times before she picked up.

She answered, "Hey."

I felt a little relief from the sound of her voice, not being able to help the smile that spread across my lips, "Sam, are you feeling okay?"

She had hesitation in her answer but she regained herself, "Y-Yea I uh, just a stomach virus. Must be going around."

Not only had she stuttered but she had hesitated, which really caught me off guard because it just sounded like she was lying... but I would continue playing it off.

I climbed into my car, "You sure you don't want me to stop by?"

She didn't hesitate this time, and her voice wasn't shaky, it was actually quite stern, "No, don't. I uh, I don't want you to get sick. You have an entire week of school left."

There was something wrong, and even thought I couldn't put my finger on it I could tell simply by the tone of her voice. She was hiding something, and knowing that after the whole incident yesterday really managed to get under my skin.

And it really pissed me off.

I spoke firmly into the phone, "Sam, we never got to talk about yesterday. I want to know-"

"I don't want to talk right now, I'm busy."

I rolled my eyes, "Sam, what could you possibly be doing right now?"

She hesitated on the other side and breathed in the phone, sounding as if she was having an extremely hard time. Then out of nowhere she confessed, "I don't want to talk to you, Megan."

Something in her voice sounded so dark and sad that it scared me, and a part of me didn't want to believe what she had just said.

All I could respond was, "What?"

I heard her take a deep breath on the other side of the line before answering, "I don't want to talk to you. I need... I need some space. Just give me until graduation... to figure us out, okay?"

I questioned, "Why until graduation?"

"Because... I just want to make sure... I just wanna make sure this is what I want."

This time she sounded more convincing but it didn't settle my un-resting heart that was slamming against my chest. Was she really saying this to me? After everything we had gone through to get where we were today?

After me breaking her walls? After Tampa?

I sighed, "Sam, we've barely been able to see each other since Tampa... I don't get why-"

"It's too much for me, Megan. You're too much for me."

I couldn't believe what she was saying to me, and this time I could hear shakiness in her voice, as if this was hard for her. I didn't understand but I didn't want to argue with her, I didn't want to be overbearing and force her to tell me things she wasn't ready for.

I wanted to stick to my promise, but my heart was getting in the way.

"I'm too much for you? Sam do you hear yourself?"

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now