제 39화

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"Pay up bitch" Kei held his hand out. I gritted my teeth and hand him ¥20. "Told you it was before" he smirks, I hit him on the shoulder.

"Wow so cute! Please pick two photos you like"  The lady said and handed them the three polaroids. They both placed their hand on the third one and glared at each other.  "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!!" Atsumu was rock and Toshi was scissors.

He ended up taking the first pic because he thought it was cute. "Thank you so much! Enjoy your stay~" The lady left.

"Spill it, who confessed first?" I asked the two men. "Atsumu did" "I did" they both said at the same time.

"HA PAY UP BITCH!" I yelled and held out my hand to Kei. He 'tched and handed me ¥50. I did a happy dance, teasing Kei more.

"Figure you both would bet on us, I also figured Osamu was on this one too" Toshi told us.

"Samu owes me a onigiri" I told him, "He bet that you two would be together at the night of the party, I bet that it would be earlier, so I win, better rub it on his face later" I finished. "That evil brother" Atsumu cursed. We had a few more conversations, laughing since Atsumu was really a great entertainer, Kei laughed too, and it was nice seeing him genuinely happy.

Suho picked us later that day, then we went back to the main house.

"You look beautiful, young miss" the lady told me, as she finished styling my hair and done my make up. My hair is still white since were about to color it tomorrow. I didn't mind since it really looks well in my outfit.

My hair is curled and has a waterfall braid, with small flowers and stems for design. My make up is a bit natural and my dress is a soft pink cocktail dress, so I can easily move.

Actually the theme of the ball this year is fairy tail movies. I picked Aurora and Toshi wanted to be Jack Skellington, guess Atsumu was Sally, so in other words, it's like a Halloween party, but on Christmas. I heard someone knocked on the door.

"Sis, are you done? We need to go, you're the only one we're waiting" Toshi stepped inside. "I will be leaving, miss" the lady left us. I looked at Toshi, who was wearing a black tuxedo, his hair was gelled, leaving only a few strand of his bangs, exposing his forehead, he also has his face painted like a skull.

"The make up artist did nice" I complimented him, "Yeah but can't stop staring, Atsumu kept glaring at her and if makes me laugh"

"Alright let's go" I grabbed my purse and we left the room. Now this is the part where many clichés happened.

The whole family was dowstairs as they say us walking down. Yes, the awkward moment where everyone stares at you and
somehow, you tripped and face embarrasment.

Of course, luckily, that didn't happened to me and that's because I am wearing flats. I noticed Kei below, he looks dashing.

His short curly hair was tamed, making it a bit longer to reach his eyebrows (still short pft), it was parted to the right and the left was gelled, revealing his left ear. He's wearing the blue suit that matched our theme.

I noticed Atsumu too in his red suit. His faced have stiches drawn, his hair was temporarily ginger.

As we reached the bottom, my dad embraced me. "You look beautiful sweetheart" he whispered, "Thanks old man"  I grinned at him. My mother hugged me next, saying the same thing.

I finally approached Kei and he just looked at me. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I teased, "What? Oh sorry, you look really beautiful" he said, his ears turning red. "Thank you, you look dashing as well" I complimented him.

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