제 35화

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"Hoshiko, Toshiro, so wonderful to see you!"


Why are they here already?

I closed my eyes and sighed, Toshi tensed up beside me as well. We slowly face them and bowed. "할머니! (Grandmother!) 할아버지! (Grandfather!) S-so great to see you!" I stuttered out and forced a smile.

"Don't be like that my beautiful grandfaughter, give your grandparents a hug" the old hag held out her arms wide, "You too, Toshiro."

We quickly hugged them to get it over with. "I would like to catch up with you two, but for now me and yiur grandfather will rest, that flight from England is very tiring" we just nodded and excused ourselves.

"I didn't know they would arrive early" Toshi whispered, "Well it seems their plans changed Toshi, might as well deal with it then" I told him. For additional info, currently we are at the main house in Ilsan, no the house on Seoul is not the main one. Unfortunately our grandparents arrived two days earlier, and Kei will arrived tomorrow, talk about timing.

We arrived in my room and Toshi jumped on my bed, falling flat on his chest, I sat next to him and grabbed a nearby pillow. "Tsukki is arriving tomorrow right?"

"Yes, hopefully he's prepared in whatever our grandparents throw at him"

"Don't be afraid Hosh, Tsukki is a salty dinosaur that even roasted Tetsu and Koutaro-san, he can do anything" he assured me. "Oh! And before I forget I also brought a plus one to the ball" he told me. "I invited Osamu"

"Cool Samu's joining, haven't seen him in a year" I said, spacing out. "Why didn't you invited Atsumu?" I teased him, "Geez you know I hate that guy" he scoffed. "Do you really? You're my twin Tosh, you know I can see right through you"

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said, I noticed his ears turned pink. "OH MY FUCKING GOSH! You like him!" I shrieked, "WHAT! OUTRAGEOUS HOSHI! I WON'T EVER LIKE THAT STUPID ANNOYING FAKE BLONDE!" he yelled, but his ears turned even more red.

"Keep telling yourself that, I support you in whoever you want, I knew that you're not straight anyways, we both aren't" I laughed, "Well that is true...it's just, how am I gonna tell mom and dad? Or our grandparents?! You know those two are old-fashioned and judgmental!"

"Well...I suggest you try talking to Atsumu first, you know? Confess to him" Atsumu literally is so see-through makes me wanna smack him hard.

"I think he likes someone else, I don't even know if he likes men!"

"Calm down! You're overreacting, just see how this will go, if it doesn't work out then he's not for you" I patted him on the shoulder. "You're right, he'll be missing out" He flipped his imaginary long hair and I laughed.

We are really twins and its funny how we're both bisexual (if you don't support the LGBTQ+ community, i suggest you stop reading this).

"I'll go chill in my room, see ya later" he went out. I sighed and opened the television in my room (which is in front of the bed).

I opened Netflix and saw the new season of Umbrella Academy. (it's really great btw! watch it and tell me who's your fav character! mine's five and ben :)

"Time to binge watch"

10 hours later...

(The Umbrella Academy spoilers! Skip the part if you haven't watched/ or still watching it! I will put a 🏳️‍🌈 if it's a safe zone!)

rewrite the stars (tsukishima kei fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora