Run to You 🔓

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The following is not part of the original plot and will be on the point of view of Tsukishima, and also third person. Also I advise for you to listen to the song while reading ^^

If you haven't read the manga, then don't read this!!


It's like time stopped the moment I heard the news.

Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you bother?

Your smile, you've been faking it all along.

You were suffering, why didn't you bother saying anything?

I...had no idea. Please don't go.

Don't leave me please.

The blonde boy looked outside the window, staring at the dark cloudy sky, it is most likely to rain.

Classes is still on going. Physics was a boring subject, he didn't want to know how gravity works.

Sighing, he looks down on his notes, seeing the small doodles on his notebook. He smiled as he saw a small flower. It is a lily.

His thought were interrupted as a familiar face opened the door of their classroom. It was Hinata.


He didn't let Hinata finished his sentence as he stood up from his seat and dashed outside the room.

He didn't care if he got detention or a violation because it is about her.

His phone buzzed as he saw Hinata gave him the address. Rain started pouring and it was very heavy.

He ran.

And ran.

And ran.

And ran.

And ran until he reached the place.

Immediately asking for directions, he went to where she was. Once he got there, she was surrounded by doctor, tubes are attached in her body, a giant tube on her mouth.

His eyes widened as he saw them trying to revive her.






Absolutely nothing.

"Time of death, 1:36 PM as of September 27 20XX"

He felt the world stop as he saw them cover her.

He didn't cry, but he kneeled down and tuck his knees into his arms.

Why does the kindest beings rests first?

He bowed his head down as he heard foot steps, he saw Toshi looking at him frantically.

Kei just looked at him with dull eyes, and Toshi screamed.

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