55. Run

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Cyan ran to John, and they wept uncontrollably. The full moon cast upon the trail, lighting up the way. But despite having an elaborate escape plan, the Watts boys were apprehensive. David was gone. Hector never came back. Dark and unexplored, the real world unnerved them, for the lack of privileges and Bill Watts. The brothers had killed, perpetually caught in the arcane warfare, forever the Watts Clan's most wanted enemies, the targets, and the prey. Bill Watts and some seniors might be dead, but many Watts hellions would come after the brothers and Cyan. There was no return, but a one-way trip to sweet hell on earth.

With his trembling grips on her arms, Everett gingerly separated Cyan from John. "We have to go."

David's instruction ran through Everett's mind. The younger boys took the Mercedes with Cyan in the backseat. Will, Simon, and John threw some backpacks and rucksacks in the van. Everett's hands jittered around the steering wheel. Suddenly, something crashed against the passenger-side window, and Luke nearly blew it with a shotgun.

David drummed a fist and his breath against the glass.

"Son of a—" Luke craned to punch David, who crashed on the seat behind him.

David lurched forward. "Didn't I say you go with Simon and Will with Luke?" He reminded Everett about his master plan.

At the same moment, Angelica slid in the van after John. Everett smirked, admiring Cyan's tenacious grandmother. With no time for a loving reunion or to explain the Watts boys' tendency to disregard instructions, two vehicles sped out of the cabin's gate.

In this race, fear coursed through Everett instead of adrenaline. Two dull tail lights led the Mercedes, the clouds of dust erasing the past of the Watts Prime Branch. Luke had a pistol in his hand and the shotgun next to his feet. David looked behind, his left fist glowing. Cyan dug her fingers on the sides of the driver's seat, her rain scent brushing Everett's neck. One time, she clasped Everett's shoulder, and he nervously clutched her hand against his sweaty shirt.

"What the hell happened back there?" Everett navigated on the trail and eyed the rearview mirror. "David!" he shouted at the suspense of the answer.

Cyan flinched, glancing at David.

"I nuked them with Will and Simon, but it won't hold them for long," David replied, peering at the dust storm. "Keep driving."


The full moon drifted across the sky. Through the deserted route, the Mercedes and the black van headed to Kansas. David relaxed his hand and dimmed it. The pistol lulled on Luke's grip. Everett kept his feet on the gas pedal, his eyes dry and flickering, while Cyan shrank in the backseat with her eyes closed. David had been watching the girl, too, but pretended to be more worried about the dust.

"Stop looking at her." Everett narrowed his eyes.

David didn't respond, but Luke huffed.

The mystical tie between David and Cyan was beyond Everett's comprehension, but she wasn't David's creation anymore.

David grinned and shifted forward. "We're almost there." He pointed at a dirt road to where the van had turned. "There's a nice mansion two miles from here. We'll stop for a rest."

A crooked motel appeared out of nowhere. The light was off, but someone was waving in the dark. When Everett pulled the car up next to the van, Cyan jolted up from the doze. John knocked on the window, and the girl soared to him.

Angelica looked at her watch and tucked Cyan's arm to her side. "We'll leave in four hours. Get some rest, especially you, David. You're drained. John, come with us." Covered with ashes, she managed to be poised. "It's safe here. They're on our side." She waved at three men marching to her.

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