32. Welcome Home

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Hector, the golden son, was the pride of the Watts Empire and a paradigm of the Watts boys—striking and masculine—possessing blond hair, blue eyes, and a straight spine. Hector, however, was a top-shelf Watts boy, who was even more attractive than Simon, the prettiest Watts boy, and more patrician than Constantine, Colt Watts's replica.

Though Everett was closest to Luke, Hector was a feeling that fit like a glove. The untold admiration burdened Everett, for he was embarrassed to admit that he worshiped and loved his brother. Hector had always been a guardian, a protector, and a big brother—the only person strong enough to hold Bill Watts's gaze and speak truth to power. Bill Watts would get off everyone else's back when Hector came home. The Watts Prince was the center of the universe. Bill Watts wouldn't have time to be disappointed with his other sons. For that, perhaps the Watts boys were insensitive and opportunistic to looking forward to his return.

The Fourth of July showed up at the Watts Estate on the third Saturday of October. Twelve glorious US flags mounted the columns of the dark mansion. Red, white, and blue cloths streamed from the gate, and black ribbons weaved throughout the residence to elicit the Watts Clan's praxis. Prime Branch even decorated the cemetery with roses and ebony silks. The forest border was trimmed and patrolled. Luxury cars sparkled in the harsh sun of the shooting range. The guest list included people from the Whitehouse, high-ranked militants, and the cream of the Watts bloodline. Prime Branch boys were in their new suits with black ties. Everything on them, attitudes and manners included, had to be majestic. The expectation was high, and Bill Watts had already threatened to butcher the party wreckers in front of the crowds for entertainment.

"Where is she?" Luke whispered to Everett when they were three steps behind Bill Watts.

Angelica seemed to hear Luke, and she grinned. Everett knew that she had some gibberish waiting to serve at the picnic. He pressed on his empty stomach, his inside twisting messily. In the South Hall swam the aristocratic throng. Bill Watts greeted Cowen Watts and his four brats with a nod. Austin pointed a gun-up gesture at Everett, and a sneer was the only appropriate response at the moment. Will chuckled as Constantine strutted in with a blue-eyed redhead child. Little Godchild, people called her. Constantine's teenage girlfriend was the only reason Bill Watts didn't spit on Will's face today. Everett laughed at how young the girl looked for Colt-lookalike, but at that moment, he realized that even Cyan was young—in fact, too young for Simon and Will, who in their inebriated brains, thought Bill Watts said, "Find Cyan Cooper," instead of "Find a Cyan Cooper."

Garrison Watts, Constantine's father, muttered something to Jason Watts. Jason, gasping, pushed Garrison hard the latter crashed onto Bill Watts's peculiar moon clock. Bran Watts rolled his eyes as soon as Pegan Watts waved at him. Noah Watts and Paul Watts had their private staring contest. Everett took a deep breath. It was going to be one hell of a party.

"Do you see her?" Luke asked again.

"Why are you talking to me?" Everett said and nudged Simon to be aware of Constantine's smirk. "Oh, wait!" He snorted and turned back to Luke. "There." He pointed at Sunrise, who strutted in the room with her father.

So Sunrise was the mayor's daughter. Luke dodged behind Everett as the mayor pathetically hinted that Sunrise and Hector would make a powerful couple. Bill Watts never reacted to such piteous proposal. Sunrise went out with Luke twice before the brat broke up with her over boredom. Hector would disparage his dignity if he picked someone who went crazy after a little race. Of course, the angel who would come after Hector's heart had to be smart, sensitive, kind, and as beautiful as he was. Hector was ripe and ready to settle down. Unlike Bill Watts's other brats, he was chivalrous, and that quality made him the most desirable. Women swooned over him. The man's luck of having a wife was doomed, however, if he was supposed to pick one from the Watts Clan's parties.

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