38. The Pond

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Weak and exposed, Cyan reveled in vulnerability. Everett occupied her thought. She craved the sight of him when she opened her eyes. He was foolish and lame when his Colt's armor cracked, but she was alive and whole beside him. People said Everett Watts ruined things. Luckily, Cyan was invincible.

Away from his strict schedule, Everett came to Coopers' Clock Store every evening and begged for kisses. Cyan argued with him a few times, the disagreements being about her secret and his brothers, but he was so adorable to be mad at for a whole minute. Behind the buildings and the trees and away from the world, they kissed. Hopelessly, Everett wanted more than Cyan could give—and that was terrifying at times.

"I want to show you something today," Everett whispered as Cyan shuffled behind the counter.

Pretending to be busy, Cyan dusted the shelves she had already polished and moved things back and forth. When she was occupied, Everett was considerately less demanding.

"I'm busy today," Cyan said. "I have to look after the store, remember?" Her cheeks protruded.

"Oh, go!" John yelled as he lumbered with a carton box to the front door. Despite Everett's reputation, this Watts boy seemed to be John's favorite. "You kids have a blast. The weather is beautiful." He kept the box in the truck and returned for another one.

Cyan hopped behind John. "I should go with you. Dad, I don't..." Her heart dropped to her stomach.

I don't want to lose you.

"Grandma." John paused for a moment and stamped his rigid smile on her cheek. "Please trust me. And you can't miss the test on Monday." He proceeded to the door. "Ah, will you go to the pumpkin patch? I probably don't have time." John glanced over to Everett. "Could you make sure she doesn't punch anyone again?"

Everett grinned. "Yes, sir."

After John took off to Salt Lake City, Everett helped Cyan close the store. She would be by herself for two days, and this fact made having a boyfriend unnerving.


The delicate white clouds swam in the afternoon sky. Through the windows, the crisp winds gushed inside the truck. Cyan traced the line of the small hills that billowed throughout the landscape, the sleeves of her blue dress fluttering against her arms. The scent of the grass baking in the sun fought the fragrance of the forest. Of course, the trees triumphed. Everett always won.

Colt is mine, Cyan thought and smiled at the young lord of the land.

At Avon and Hawarden Watts Ranch, where the Watts family produced their crossbred horses, the truck came to a stop in front of a navy barn. The property was vast and secluded. A stream slithered to a villa in the north. In the south was the maple woods. Dried tall grass rippled all over the plain, and small ponds scattered on the fields. In spring, Everett claimed, the greens thrust through the winds. Heaven, Cyan thought while he wished the meadow were black.

After a tour around the stables, Cyan petted the foals in a paddock. The mares reciprocated Cyan's effort and let their young ones sniffed her hands. Cyan loved horses, and she had a feeling, so did Evil.

On the fence was Everett patiently waiting for his turn to breathe her skin. Cyan waltzed to him, clutching her wrist behind her.

Anywhere, but not there.

He grabbed Cyan's arm and welded her to his side.

"I thought you forgot about me." Everett inhaled Cyan's hair. He believed that she smelled like fresh rain, while in fact, English rose was the scent of her affordable body spray. "Let's go. I want you to see this."

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